Showing posts with label youth exchange. Show all posts
Showing posts with label youth exchange. Show all posts

06 April 2018

YE - "Being a refugee is not my decision" Eskisehir, Turkey

Have you ever heard of Eskisehir? Besides being a lovely city located in Turkey, it was the host of a Youth Exchange, which took place between 8th- 15th of March. It focused on raising awareness about one of the current issues faced nowadays: refugees' crisis. 

19 March 2018

YE - ''Road of Hope'', Ommen, The Netherlands

From the 7th to the 15th of March, the project called Road of Hope took place in Ommen, The Netherlands. The main topic of the youth exchange was the situation of the immigrants and refugees all over the world and the purpose of this experience was to empathize and try to understand the difficulties these people are going through. 

12 February 2018

YE - "GENDERation" Malaga, Spain

From 24/01/2018 to 01/02/2018 the Erasmus+ Youth exchange GENDERation took place in Malaga to promote and facilitate non-formal education methodologies on gender equity. 

09 February 2018

YE-"United Plates of Europe", UK

Once upon a time, there were two princesses and three princes who rode unicorns to a faraway land called happiness. Just kidding, this isn’t a bed time story, although, judging from the extraordinary experiences lived by our protagonists, it could have easily been one.

26 December 2017

YE- "Diversity hurts?", Marrakesh, Morocco

This project give us the opportunity to have a great experience in a youth exchange which is held in Marrakesh, Morocco with 35 participants from 7 countries: Greece, Romania, Spain, Morocco, Poland, Tunisia and Sweden. 

24 November 2017

"Creative Arts for Youth Participation", a youth exchange to remember in La Vancelle, France

Between October 30 and November 5, 2017, we spent an amazing time in a youth exchange that aimed to enhance our creativity, immerse in French culture and meet amazing people from 5 countries – Macedonia, France, Greece, Romania and Lithuania. 

YE- "Mindful Entrepreneurship", Rokiskis, Lituania

Schimbul de tineret ‘Mindful Entrepreneurship’’ a avut loc în perioada 20-28 Seprembrie 2017, în Rokișkis, Lituania. Proiectul a fost creat pentru a facilitate cooperarea și implementarea unei idei de business urmând 5 pași (Self-Assesment, Soft skills, Hard skills, Ideas development și Idea Validation). Tehnica de bază fiind Mindfulness.

25 September 2017

Toolkit for Active Citizenship - YEP (Young EUROpeople)

Toolkit for Active Citizenship is an useful tool that was realized by the participants from 6 European countries during the "Young EUROpeople" youth exchange that was held in Caligari, Italy. The toolkit is available for everyone and presents in a different way the experience of all 41 participants.

09 September 2017

YE "Celebrate Erasmus" - Agros, Cyprus | #EFYL Job Shadowing

As you by now, the EFYL adventure has continues with another learning experience i.e. the job shadowing. Led by an experienced leader, 4 EFYL trainees have participated at the Youth exchange Celebrate Erasmus which took place in Agros (Cyprus) on 25th august - 2nd September. 

08 September 2017

YE „Monopoly in real life", Ungaria - #EFYL Practice

La sfârșitul lunii august, aventura #EFYL a continuat pentru Șerban, unul dintre participanți, în Ungaria, mai exact în Teglas. Iată cum a decurs experiența lui ca lider de grup și care au fost lucrurile pe care le-a învățat:

05 September 2017

„Aventura #EFYL: 11 zile în paradisul Insulelor Canare” - Job Shadowing EFYL

După cum ați aflat, calătoria EFYL a continuat şi după BootCamp-ul ce a avut loc la Bucureşti, cu componenta de job shadowing într-o locaţie inedită! Astfel, 10 tineri entuziaşti şi iscusiți în frunte cu 2 lideri autentici, au pornit în data de 11 august într-o călătorie cu multe peripeții şi multe activităţi, dar plină de lecţii importante şi de momente A-H-A!

International Youth Day Statement - Gran Canaria 2017

During the "Youth, Power & Future" youth exchange that took part in the middle of August in the sunny island of Gran Canaria, GEYC team had the opportunity to celebrate the International Youth Day along with hundreds of other youngsters from different parts of the world. 

02 August 2017

Youth Exchange - "Europe without borders", Agros, Cyprus

Youth Exchange - "Europe without borders" was held in one of the most scenic areas in Cyprus - Agros. Romanian participants shared their experience towards this project through few lines and pictures. Let's see what happened with them during the project.

18 June 2017

YE: Global Intercultural Warming against Youth Radicalization- Zakopane, Poland

’’Zakopane, sosim! ’’, acesta a fost gândul nostru în dimineața zilei de 31.05.2017. Ca să fim pe deplin sinceri, mai  întâi a fost ’’Varșovia, bine te-am găsit!’’, ’’Cracovia, ești foarte frumoasă!’’, pentru ca între 2-10 iunie să poposim în Zakopane,  la poalele munților Tatra, alături de alți 30 de participant din alte 6 țări ale Uniunii Europene, pentru a dezbate situația imigranților și a refugiaților în Europa astăzi, cât și problema radicalizării. 

18 May 2017

YE: „Young Euro People” - Cagliari, Italia

This Youth Exchange for more than half of us, was a real journey in Italian culture. Four of us had the chance to visit four italian cities (Bergamo, Cagliari, Rome/Florence and Pisa), so we can say indeed that it was the journey of our lives!

17 May 2017

YE: „Be the change” - Nasutow, Polonia

În urma participării în cadrul proiectului “Be the change” desfăşurat între 22 şi 29 aprilie în Nasutow, Polonia am dori să împărtăşim o parte din experienţa şi trăirile pe care le-am avut.

16 May 2017

YE: „Technology meet Employability” - Leptokarya, Grecia

Iniţial, trebuie să recunosc că mi-a fost puţin frică să merg într-un loc necunoscut fără să cunosc oamenii, dar m-am obişnuit foate repede. Organizatorii au fost foarte primitori şi ne-au făcut să ne simţim ca acasă. Mâncarea a fost foarte bună, am mâncat tzatziki în fiecare zi. Am cunoscut foarte mulţi oameni din diferite ţări: Grecia, Slovenia, Slovacia, Polonia și, bineînțeles, România. Am jucat foarte multe joculeţe ca să ne cunoaştem mai bine şi să ne împrietenim, am lucrat la proiecte împreună şi am învăţat lucruri noi despre culturile lor.

17 April 2017

YE - Youth employability seeds – Our Italian adventure

The journey began for each of us in Bucharest. Early in the morning, after the long trips from our homes to the Otopeni airport, we were excited to meet each other and to share the expectations that we had from the youth exchange. 

01 December 2016

P.E.A.C.E.: Participation, Ethic, Active, Citizenship, Europe - Cosenza, Italia

Echipa romanească, participantă a Youth Exchange-ului P.E.A.C.E: „While writing this, our minds are still traveling! ”

29 November 2016

Cum am ajuns de la cetățeni europeni la cetățeni Eco

În data 24 octombrie 2016,  un grup format din 4 fete și un băiat din toate colțurile României, au pornit spre La Vancelle, un mic sat din inima Alsaciei, plin de munți și verdeață, unde s-a desfășurat proiectul ”Be an European citizen, become an eco-citizen”, ce a avut ca temă principală ecologia.