Dezvoltă-ți competențele printr-un stagiu de voluntariat european găzduit de către partenerii de la Alternativi Internațional din Bulgaria. Timp de o lună vei putea să promovezi educația pentru drepturile omului și să lupți împotriva discriminării și a discursului instigator la ură.
Showing posts with label erasmus plus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label erasmus plus. Show all posts
TC - „LET (LearnEducateTeach) meTRY", Wisła, Poland
This training course was mostly about discrimination and social inclusion. It took part in a beautiful town in Poland, named Wisla, in the middle of the nature full covered in white. There were participants from Spain, France, Macedonia, Cyprus, Malta, Bulgaria, Hungary, Greece, Italy and Turkey having two well trained facilitators from Poland and Russia.
YE - ''Road of Hope'', Ommen, The Netherlands
From the 7th to the 15th of March, the project called Road of Hope took place in Ommen, The Netherlands. The main topic of the youth exchange was the situation of the immigrants and refugees all over the world and the purpose of this experience was to empathize and try to understand the difficulties these people are going through.
Sharing is caring: Dissemination activity for LET (LearnEducateTeach) meTRY long term project
Bucharest, 10th of March 2018. Andreea and Alexandru - GEYC Community representatives in the frame of "LET (LearnEducateTeach) meTRY" Erasmus Plus long term project shared their experience with the participants of "Breaking gender stereotypes" workshop organized in the frame of "The Women Get Back" job shadowing.
erasmus plus,
gender equality,
human rights,
Women get back
We are hosting an international delegation in the frame of "The Women Get Back" project
Between 7th and 16th of March, GEYC is hosting in Bucharest a job shadowing in the frame of "The Women Get Back" project (Capacity building, Erasmus+) involving 3 representatives of nongovernmental organisations from Brazil, France (special guest) and Peru.
We are starting the Eastern Partnership Capacity building project (KA2) - International Youth Studies: Curricula, Distance learning course and open educational materials (InYouS)
InYouS project is developed by Federation of Youth Clubs (Armenia) and its partners from Georgia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Turkey, Belgium, Czech Republic, Poland, Portugal, Sweden and Romania. The project will ameliorate the recognition of youth work and non-formal education through development of certified “International youth studies” curricula (and organizing a distance-learning course for youth workers) and open educational materials for European Higher Education Institutions.
capacity building,
erasmus plus,
non formal,
non formal education,
youth studies,
youth work
TC- "Youth Hate=Hate Youth", Newcastle, England
As a regular participant of Erasmus project, quite
experimented with non-formal techniques I usually have the tendency of becoming
too technical and abstract disregarding my experience.
TURN ONline Strategic Partnership
EVS - "Youth4Sport2" Nicosia, Cipru
The European Voluntary Service, project Youth4Sport2, at Nautilos SAR in Nicosia, Cyprus represented a non-formal experience that allowed me to broaden my knowledge and share ideas about healthy lifestyle, sports and youth education. My mobility stage lasted 6 months, from May until October 2017. During this time I had the chance to be part of an adventurous journey in the easternmost part of Europe.
entrepreneurship & employability,
erasmus plus,
"Creative Arts for Youth Participation", a youth exchange to remember in La Vancelle, France
Between October 30 and November 5, 2017, we spent an amazing time in a youth exchange that aimed to enhance our creativity, immerse in French culture and meet amazing people from 5 countries – Macedonia, France, Greece, Romania and Lithuania.
EVS - Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
Hello! Numele meu este Vancea Maria Dorina, dar prietenii îmi spun Dori. Sunt studentă in Cluj Napoca, la Facultatea de Studii Europene. Am 19 ani şi sunt fericită că am bifat încă un proiect într-o altă ţară. Deşi am participat în trecut la conferinţe şi la un curs de formare, ideea de a participa într-un EVS nu mi-a venit până în vară.
TC - "Inclusive Europe", Vilnius, Lituania
Pe data de 3 septembrie ne-am îmbarcat cu entuziasm în avionul ce ne va duce în îndepărtatul Vilnius, fiind curioşi şi nerăbdători să descoperim ce va urma. Prima zi petrecută în capitala Lituaniei a reprezentat o oportunitate de a vizita cele mai importante obiective şi de a ne familiariza cu oraşul, întrucât am participat într-un trasure hunt intercultural.
GEYC is partner in a new strategic partnership focused on project management skills
EuroIMPACT Plus KA2 project focuses on promoting high-quality youth work and aims to provide youth workers all the necessary knowledge for the non-profit sector. #EuroIMPACTplus aims to create innovative resources for youth work and equip youth workers with the necessary skills to manage a project in the most efficient way.
erasmus plus,
project management,
strategic partnership,
TC - "Leading to Equalization", Crete, Greece
First of all we would encourage everyone to apply for Erasmus+ projects. Some of you may have that fear of meeting new people, the “What if they are different from me?” well we all have fears and we are all different and it’s ok. That is one of the main topics of Erasmus projects. For example we came from different parts of our country, two of us (Raul and Silvia) are from Bucharest and two from Cluj (Iulia and Eduard) and only Eduard had past experience with mobility projects. Me, Iulia and Silvia had no prior experience and no idea of what is going to happen. We heard stories from our friends but there is no words for living the actual experience.
Toolkit for Active Citizenship - YEP (Young EUROpeople)
Toolkit for Active Citizenship is an useful tool that was realized by the participants from 6 European countries during the "Young EUROpeople" youth exchange that was held in Caligari, Italy. The toolkit is available for everyone and presents in a different way the experience of all 41 participants.
International Youth Day Statement - Gran Canaria 2017
During the "Youth, Power & Future" youth exchange that took part in the middle of August in the sunny island of Gran Canaria, GEYC team had the opportunity to celebrate the International Youth Day along with hundreds of other youngsters from different parts of the world.
Training Course - Respond to your NEET, Wuppertal, Germany
Trainingul Respond to your NEET desfășurat în Wuppertal, Germania, în perioada 09 – 15 august 2017, a prevăzut desfășurarea unor activități de tipul learning by doing prin care participanții, respectiv lucrătorii de tineret, au experimentat metode și tehnici de a ajuta tinerii NEET în dezvoltarea personală și profesională. În acest training au participat de 32 de tineri din țări precum Italia, Spania, Macedonia, Slovacia, Lituania, Portugalia, Polonia, Germania, Cipru, Bulgaria, Austria și România.
The Respond to your NEET training course took place in Wuppertal, Germany, on 09- 15 August 2017, and it provided learning by doing activities through which the participants and youth workers found out methods and techniques for helping NEET youth in their personal and professional development. The 32 young people who participated in this TC were from the following countries Italy, Spain, Macedonia, Slovakia, Latvia, Portugal, Poland, Germany, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Austria and Romania.
Căutăm voluntari pentru un stagiu EVS de 6 luni în Nicosia, Cipru (2 locuri disponibile)
GEYC caută voluntari (18-30 ani) pentru un stagiu de voluntariat european (EVS) de 6 luni în orașul Nicosia - capitala Ciprului. Sunt mai multe stagii disponibile, iar proiectul vizează desfășurarea de activități de tineret și sportive în cadrul unui centru și în afara acestuia.
erasmus plus,
Căutăm un voluntar pentru un stagiu EVS de 10 luni în Maribor, Slovenia - Capitala Europeană a Tineretului în 2013
GEYC caută un voluntar (18-30 ani) pentru un stagiu de voluntariat european (EVS) de 10 luni în orașul Maribor din Slovenia - Capitala Europeană a Tineretului din 2013. Proiectul începe pe 25 septembrie 2017 și vizează activități de tineret specifice culturii urbane și participării civice.
GEYC caută un voluntar (18-30 ani) pentru un stagiu de voluntariat european (EVS) de 10 luni în orașul Maribor din Slovenia - Capitala Europeană a Tineretului din 2013. Proiectul începe pe 25 septembrie 2017 și vizează activități de tineret specifice culturii urbane și participării civice.
Comunitatea GEYC,
erasmus plus,
Top 5 Google products for NGOs
During the KA2 "eSkills for Volunteers" training course, our colleagues took part in the creation of a ranking of the top 5 most useful Google products.
erasmus plus,
eskills for volunteers,
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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023. |