Showing posts with label partnership. Show all posts
Showing posts with label partnership. Show all posts

10 July 2018

The Manual of Success Stories on Social Entrepreneurship

In our PlayEurope KA2 partnership, we developed, together with our partners, The Manual of Success Stories on Social Entrepreneurship. It contains real stories from individuals who have already run social enterprises, motivating and inspiring young people to set their own social business.

27 June 2018

Connecting the dots: Young People, Social Inclusion and Digitalisation

This week, our colleague Gabriel Brezoiu - General Manager of GEYC takes part to the "Connecting the dots: Young People, Social Inclusion and Digitalisation" Symposium in Tallinn, Estonia focusing on exploring the crossing between social inclusion of young people and digitalisation, reflecting especially on how digitalisation affects young people’s lives, and what the role of youth policy, youth work and youth research can be in this respect.

14 December 2016

Contact Making Seminar - KA3 within Erasmus+

Between the 21st-25th of November, I had the opportunity to be part of a great project, a Contact Making Seminar in El Padul (Granada), Spain. The purpose of this project was to connect with other organisations in order to discuss and develop new strategies of cooperation for future Eramus+ projects, especially within KA3.

19 September 2016

EQYP Survey on Quality- ESOQ: Final Results

What does quality in youth projects mean? ESOQ aimed to give a complete answer to this question, collecting data from youth workers, NGO managers, trainers and volunteers with various socio-cultural backgrounds. We focused on EQYP 5 pillars: non-formal learning, project management, communication & PR, partnerships and financial planning. Here are the final conclusions.

Research Report: EQYP Survey on Quality (ESOQ)


11 May 2016

EQYP - Story of day 5

Erasmus + is mostly about the people you meet and the beautiful things you are building together on common ground. This day was perfect for partnerships. 

03 May 2014

Annual Report/ Raport anual GEYC 2013

GEYC is proudly presenting our annual report for 2013 including the major achievements, partners and cooperation we had. We believe that being transparent towards the community should be one of the very basic principles of each sustainable and reliable organisation.

GEYC are plăcerea de a vă prezenta raportul de activitate pentru anul 2013 cuprinzând aici cele mai importante realizări, partenerii care ne-au fost alături și cooperările pe care le-am avut. Credem că a fi transparent față de comunitate ar trebui să fie unul dintre principiile de bază ale oricărei organizații sustenabile și de încredere. 

24 May 2013

Call for Romanian participants for ''Hand in Hand Against Violence'' project in Isparta, Turkey

GEYC is selecting two Romanian participants to take part at ''Hand in Hand Against Violence"  European project which will be held in Isparta, Turkey, from 3rd to 9th of July 2013.