This week, our colleague Gabriel Brezoiu - General Manager of GEYC takes part to the "Connecting the dots: Young People, Social Inclusion and Digitalisation" Symposium in Tallinn, Estonia focusing on exploring the crossing between social inclusion of young people and digitalisation, reflecting especially on how digitalisation affects young people’s lives, and what the role of youth policy, youth work and youth research can be in this respect.
Digitalisation affects in many different ways the lives of young people today, whether they are or not digitally active. In many fields, digitalisation has brought many advantages, for example in relation to communication, access to information, education, leisure and fun, activism, economic development, time management and working, etc. At the same time, digitalisation came also with risks, related to working conditions and environments, the digital divide, security and data protection, health and well-being, media literacy and so on.
In the field of the event, we presented GEYC Community as a good practice in connecting and engaging young people through a Facebook group.
Workshop 1: Access to services, youth-friendly services, services for social inclusion
(facilitator Gubaz Koberidze, rapporteur Dunja Potocnik)
Practices presented at this workshop:
Youth Care Leavers: a care leaver mobile application to support young people leaving alternative care, presented by Annamaria Nagy, SOS Children's Villages International (Austria)
Click for Support - REALized: web-based intervention for young consumers of new psychoactive substances: 'Mind Your Trip', presented by Nadine van Gelder, LWL - Coordination Office for Drug-Related Issues (Germany)
GEYC Community - how to engage people online and give them access to youth information and opportunities, presented by Gabriel-Andrei Brezoiu, GEYC (Romania)
Moreover, we introduced "eSkills for Volunteers" strategic partnership aiming to build digital skills relevant for the NGOs, volunteers and for the volunteers management and "Turn ONline" strategic partnership aiming to raise the digital expertise of youth organisations and to use them to promote peacebuilding and human rights.