21 March 2016

Imperfecțiuni perfecte / Perfectly imperfect

Echipa GEYC la seara interculturală
GEYC team at the intercultural night
Între 4 și 16 martie, cinci participanți și un lider de grup au reprezentat GEYC în Catania (Sicilia, Italia), la schimbul de tineri ''Working on getting a job'', proiect finanțat prin Programul Erasmus+. 

During the 4th and the 16th of March, five participants and one group leader have represented GEYC in Catania (Sicily, Italy), attending ''Working on getting a job Youth Exchange'', project financed through Erasmus+ Program. [See English version below]

18 March 2016

Study: Students’ perceptions on the introduction of information technologies in the process of achieving school tasks

Social changes affect the educational system. Adapting the educational process to the specific of the contemporary society will entail student school success. The purpose of this work is to analyze students’ perceptions on the introduction of information technologies in the process of achieving school tasks. Thus, the students will get to know the other benefits of the use of information technologies apart from those of socializing and entertainment. In order to increase school motivation, we believe that the schools need to ally themselves to the technologies of information and not to fight against them.

09 March 2016

Call for 5 Romanian participants: Training Course in Rudnik, Serbia (19-27 May 2016)

GEYC is selecting 5 Romanian participants, to take part in "Sustainable development and youth work" European project that will take place in Rudnik, Serbia from 19 to 27 May 2016. The main aim of the traing course is to to develop competencies of the participants in the field of sustainable development with focus on raising their competences to create projects motivating public to life more sustainable lifestyle, Deadline: 25 March 2016 | Apply now!

04 March 2016

Cyber bullying & The Trojan Horse

Take a ride in the Trojan Horse with the help of Local Heroes Çanakkale, and discover more about what Cyber Bullying is. Andreea was in the training course CTR+ALT+Del Cyber bullying, that reunited early in January 2016, talented youth from all over the world, to discuss ways to react to and combat cyber bullying, using a variety of original methods.

24 February 2016

Apel participanți: Cursuri intensive de management de proiect, marketing digital și resurse umane în cadrul SMARTER Academy

GEYC invită tinerii din București să dobândească competențe avansate de management de proiect, marketing digital și resurse umane În cadrul celei de-a treia ediții a programului SMARTER Academy. 
30 de burse sunt disponibile pentru cei care vor să profite de această alternativă pragmatică la masteratele în domeniu, chiar înainte de a fi finalizat studiile de licență. 
Termen limită pentru înscrieri: 22 24 martie 2016

Call for 2 Romanian participants: Training Course in Gothenburg, Sweden (9-17 May 2016)

GEYC is selecting 2 Romanian participants, to take part in "Training for Trainers" European project that will take place in Gothenburg, Sweden from 9 to 17 May 2016. The main aim of the traing course is to aims to train youth workers to become trainers and provide them with the theory, skills and tools necessary to design implement and evaluate effective training programmes. Deadline: 29 February 2016 | Apply now!

20 February 2016

The Role of Youth in Re-imagining Integration in Europe

"The Role of Youth in Re-imagining Integration in Europe; Channels to Social Inclusion and Equality for all" is a training course that took place in Manchester between 1-7 february 2016. The main purpose of this project was to encourage young people to create a much more equal and inclusive Europe. 

Fii printre primii care află de lansarea SMARTER Academy, ed.3

În curând vom lansa înscrierile la noua ediție a deja cunoscutului program SMARTER Academy. Află primul și prinde o bursă faină!

16 February 2016

Let's focus more on our food and health

"What's in your plate" training course - technical booklet (output)

14 February 2016

Fii unul dintre cei 30 de promotori pentru democrație europeană

Până pe 6 martie 2016 vă puteți înscrie pentru a deveni unul dintre cei 30 de Promotori pentru democrație europeană din anul 2016 în cadrul proiectului omonim organizat de Biroul de Informare al Parlamentului European în România, Ministerul Tineretului și Sportului, Asociația Pro Democrația și Asociația GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change.