Showing posts sorted by relevance for query digital citizenship education. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query digital citizenship education. Sort by date Show all posts

Săptămâna Cetățeniei Digitale / Digital Citizenship Week

RO: Săptămâna Cetățeniei Digitale (16-20 septembrie 2019) a adus în prim plan educația pentru cetățenie digitală prin 3 evenimente regionale organizate de către GEYC în parteneriat cu instituții de învățământ din cadrul proiectului Young Digital Leaders (YDL). Evenimentele au împărtășit rezultatele programului YDL la nivel regional prin conectarea acestei experiențe la posibile inițiative de continuare a integrării YDL în curriculum-ul școlar.

EN: Digital Citizenship Week (September 16-20, 2019) focused on the education for digital citizenship through 3 regional events organized by GEYC in partnership with educational institutions within the Young Digital Leaders (YDL) project. The events shared the results of the YDL program at the regional level by connecting this experience to possible initiatives to further integrate YDL into the school curriculum.

Young Digital Leaders 2019 - Final Event

Young Digital Leaders is a Europe-wide programme that aims to empower young people through digital citizenship, critical thinking and media literacy skills that reach beyond the classroom, so that they can be truly empowered as responsible digital leaders. What started off with a meeting in Brussels in February this year ended with an event during which the partners presented their achievements, shared good practices and brainstormed together about the lessons learned and the road ahead.

The power of critical thinking in an online world

“Social media gives legions of imbeciles the right to speak when they once only spoke at a bar after a glass of wine, without harming the community [...] but now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner”.

Young Digital Leaders Impact Report

Young Digital Leaders is a Europe-wide education pilot project aiming to empower young people through digital citizenship, critical thinking and media literacy skills, so that they can become tomorrow’s digital leaders.

Local Youth Empowerment: How GEYC is empowering communities at the local level | Interventions In Dorohoi, Câmpina, Constanța County, Lugoj and Caraș-Severin County

Proposals for the safety of the online environment: the protection of our youth in the EU

When it comes to the Internet, the positions of the public opinion and of the press are extremely swinging. With every event of cyberbullying with a tragic outcome, episodes of self-harm and hate speech, the mainstream media generally sound alarms about the dangers of the Internet and social media.  In several cases parents are not really aware of how technology actually works and they worry about their children. This fuels a panic about the dangers of digital technology. Politicians scramble to find cheap solutions to these problems, to prevent these tragic events, and, unfortunately, more and more often end up looking for a technological solution to what is in fact a social and cultural problem.

Young Digital Leaders at the World Forum for Democracy

We showcased the Young Digital Leaders Project during the World Forum for Democracy, hosted by the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. Here's how we did and what guests wanted to know about our project.

Young Digital Leaders Impact Report 2019

Young Digital Leaders (YDL) is an educational programme aiming to empower young people across Europe through digital citizenship, critical thinking and media literacy.

Hack the Hate - Internet Governance Forum

On the 12th of November 2018 our colleague, Cristiana Lucaci, took part at the IGF - Internet Governance Forum event where we shared best practices in combating hate speech online as there is little consensus of what hate speech really is.

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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