Showing posts with label erasmus plus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label erasmus plus. Show all posts
Join our consultation for the future of ErasmusPlus programme in the youth field for the period 2021-2027
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Together with our partners from PRISMA European Network we have launched a consultation targeting beneficiary organisations of Erasmus+ programme in the youth field aiming to collect their experience and suggestions for improving the format of the upcoming European programme in the youth field, the successor of the Erasmus+ programme during the period 2021-2027.
erasmus plus,
European cooperation,
EUthwork: Youth Work mapping in Europe
As part of EUthwork Erasmus Plus project we have led a youth work mapping of the youth work conditions and practices in the participating countries: Estonia, France, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.
Apel participanți: [BG-300] ReConnecting through Outdoor Activities, 09.07.2019-17.07.2019, Varna, Bulgaria
GEYC selectează 6 participanți și 2 lideri de grup pentru proiectul ReConnecting through Outdoor Activities ce va avea loc în stațiunea Nisipurile de Aur, Bulgaria (regiunea Varna), fiind găzduit de către partenerii de la organizația Champions Factory. Proiectul abordează tema vieții sănătoase, activitățile în aer liber și utilizarea sportului ca instrument de incluziune socială.
erasmus plus,
schimb de tineri,
viata sanatoasa,
Apel 3 tineri de 15-19 ani în schimbul de tineri GOOD4YOU(th) [IT-289] // TL: 28 iunie 2019
GEYC selectează 3 tineri de 15-19 ani pentru a întregi echipa românească ce va lua parte la schimbul de tineri [IT-289] GOOD PRACTICES FOR A BETTER YOU(th). Empowering youth well-being - GOOD4YOU(th), 20.10.2019-29.10.2019, Camini, Italy. Termen limită: 28 iunie 2019
KA2 EllE Empower - learn - led - Expand: YOUth4SDGs changing the rules transforming our world
Young people need to learn, acquire competence to build inclusive sustainable models of development. They need to shape the vision of the future to create it. Locally, young people are affected by the lack of opportunity by society & labour market, they lack knowledge and need to develop skills about sustainable methods of development. Our working experience with young people shows that they are not familiar with SDGs, partners experience affirms that this is true especially in small environment. "EllE Empower - learn - led - Expand: YOUth4SDGs changing the rules transforming our world" is an Erasmus Plus KA2 strategic partnership in the youth field organized by 5 youth organisations from Italy (coordinator), Greece, Portugal, Romania and Serbia.
European Mobility Cafe sau cum să aducem mobilitățile europene mai aproape de tineri
Formatul evenimentelor European Mobility Cafe ne permite să creăm un spațiu prietenos unde tinerii pot să se informeze, pot împărtăși idei și experiențe de mobilitate europeană și pot intra în contact cu alți membri ai Comunității GEYC.
Women Get Back job shadowing experience in Peru
A job shadowing is an unique experience offered by Erasmus Plus programme to professional youth workers to immerse in another partner organisation reality and discover their context.
erasmus plus,
job shadowing,
latin america,
women empowerment,
Women get back,
Women Get Back- A job shadowing experience in Brazil
Women Get Back: we are exchanging good practices with our partners from Latin America
As part of our long term cooperation in terms of capacity building and exchange of good practices with our Latin American partners, we will have two job shadowing missions in Peru and Brazil in the frame of "Women Get Back" Erasmus+ project.
Apel deschis: 1 stagiu de voluntariat european în Nicosia, Cipru
GEYC caută 1 voluntari (18-30 ani) pentru un stagiu de voluntariat european (EVS) de 6 luni în orașul Nicosia - capitala Ciprului. Proiectul vizează desfășurarea de activități de tineret și sportive în cadrul unui centru și în afara acestuia.
TC, FACE 2.0, Beja, Portugal
For a couple of days in April (17.04.2018-24.04.2018), Beja was the home to a life changing experience for Tudor and Iulia. A training course aiming to encourage personal development in areas of public speaking, teamwork, intercultural communication, facilitation and workshop delivery, managed to make a real difference in the life of the participants.
erasmus plus,
personal development,
public speaking,
team work,
training course,
Youth Exchange: [BG-160] InforMigration, Bansko, Bulgaria
Six enthusiastic GEYCuleți spent about a week in the one of the largest winter resorts of Bulgaria, attending a training course about topics related to migration, refugees, hate speech and human rights. They got the chance to learn the processes, reasons and effects of migration, about climate change and its social, economic, political and environmental consequences and at the end were left with one of the most exciting stories to tell.
erasmus plus,
youth exchange
TC - "Englishman in Youth Work", Poronin, Poland
The TC "Englishman in Youth Work" was an international project attended by over 20 participants sent by partner organizations from Poland, Turkey, Macedonia, Romania, Spain, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Lithuania and Italy. The Romanian team was represented by two people sent by GEYC after a careful evaluation process.
Ziua Europei - 9 mai
Ziua Europei este o sărbătoare anuală a păcii și unității în Europa. Astăzi, 9 mai, celebrăm ziua simbolului menit să promoveze unitatea în rândul europenilor.
TC - "PRIDE - Promoting Diversity and Inclusive Youth Work Practices", Armenia
When you think about Armenia, it seems like nothing crosses your mind - or at least, that's how I was before PRIDE - Promoting Diversity and Inclusive Youth Work Practices, 25th of February - 4th of March. Now, when I think about Armenia, I think about Aghveran, about that resort we stayed in, where we spent a few days with people from 10 different countries, from whom I learned so many, in so little time.
YE - “YOUth 4 Tolerance”, Castellammare di Stabia, Italy
The project “YOUth 4 Tolerance” was a youth exchange that included 44 young people aged 16 to 26 years from Bulgaria, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Romania and Spain. The main objectives of the project were to understand the migration processes, to promote a positive attitude, tolerance, solidarity and understanding towards refugees and migrants, to discover hate speech, its causes, roots and consequences and having the ability to distinguish it from freedom of expression, to inform youth about ways and channels for reporting cases of hate speech online, to promote the No hate speech movement among young people.
Căutăm 2 voluntari pentru un stagiu EVS de 6 luni în Nicosia, Cipru
GEYC caută 2 voluntari (18-30 ani) pentru un stagiu de voluntariat european (EVS) de 6 luni în orașul Nicosia - capitala Ciprului. Proiectul vizează desfășurarea de activități de tineret și sportive în cadrul unui centru și în afara acestuia.
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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023. |