Showing posts with label SMARTER. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SMARTER. Show all posts

19 June 2014

Twitter wall: #BeSMARTER14

Want to get updated with everything is happening in SMARTER project? Follow our "#BeSMARTER14" hashtag on Facebook and Twitter and share with us your ideas and reactions! Be social, be smarter!

16 June 2014

From online speaking to digital talking

To respond to the current challenges of technology innovation and development, which makes the user a central point of the communication process, EU should fundamentally change the paradigm of its digital discourse. The shift from speaking to talking would respond to the urgent need of a systemic transforming, and achieve a win-win way, where both EU and citizens get the best out of the exchange of information.

16 April 2014

Campania SMARTER: implică-te și tu la nivel local!

GEYC lansează un apel de selecție de parteneri locali pentru organizarea Campaniei SMARTER (Social Media Academy: Raising Teen Employability Resources), care își propune să încurajeze tinerii cu vârste cuprinse între 13 și 30 de ani din România să folosească instrumentele oferite de rețelele sociale pentru a reuși să obțină în viitor locul de muncă dorit.

07 April 2014

Atelier SMARTER în proiectul Comenius "Landscape as a mirror”

GEYC a sprijinit Liceul Tehnologic „Grigore Moisil” Brăila, care a găzduit în intervalul 12-14 martie 2014 cea de-a șaptea reuniune de proiect din cadrul parteneriatului Comenius Multilateral „Landscape as a mirror”, realizat cu sprijinul Comisiei Europene prin programul „Învățare pe tot parcursul vieții”. La această reuniune au participat reprezentanți din Cehia, Franța, Portugalia, Turcia, Grecia, Germania, și Spania.

01 April 2014

SMARTER project (home page)

About the project
The project aims to empower the participants to implement employability projects at local level by using social media tools.

O1. Enabling participants to use social media tools for the communication, promotion and management of their projects aiming to raise employment of young people;
O2. Stimulating participants to share their personal and professional practices in using social media in youth work through teamwork and networking;
O3. Raising the employability of the participants through improving social media skills and through personal branding;
O4. Promoting the European cooperation in the youth field by the use of social media.

The project is organized by GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change (Romania) as applicant together with GEYC Resources Center and 13 European partner organisations from France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Cyprus, Malta, Greece, Croatia, Lithuania, Iceland and Turkey.
The project is financed by the European Commission through "Youth in action" programme.


CampaignTrainingEDYS99 steps exhibition

Ebook: Social Networks Management Policies


View full ebook on SlideshareDownload full ebook (.pdf)
Download policy template (.docx)View GEYC's social media policy on Slideshare

SMARTER project (RO-43-E107-2013-R3) is co-financed by the European Commission through ”Youth in action” program (4.3). The content of this material does not necesarely reflect the official position of the European Union, the entire responsibility being taken by its author (GEYC association). 

07 March 2014

Call for Maltese participants - SMARTER training course / 22-31.08.2014 / Bucharest, Romania

Are you interested in social media? Do you want to find out how social media can help you in your professional life? Are you eager to visit Romania and get to know people coming from all over Europe? Then you should apply for the SMARTER project that will take place in Bucharest in August 2014. Hurry up! 

17 February 2014

SMARTER project -
Social Media Academy: Raising Teen Employability Resources

Social Media Academy: Raising Teen Employability Resources (SMARTER) is an intensive 9 days training course for 34 participants from 14 countries (Romania, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Cyprus, Malta, Greece, Croatia, Lithuania, Iceland and Turkey) and 16 organisations (non profit, bodies active at European level, informal groups). 
The project will take place in Bucharest, Romania from 22th to 31st of August 2014.

15 February 2014

Seminar: "Young European's digital practices"

From 10th to 13th of February 2014, GEYC took part to "Young European's digital practices" seminar in Rouen, France. The event was organized by CRIJ Haute Normandie with the financial support of "Youth in action" program.

13 February 2014

How can we use social media in our professional life?

GEYC Resources Center team challenged their Facebook members to express their opinion regarding the social networks. The online debate pointed out how social networks could be used by young people in different countries and what benefits do they bring for the professional careers of youngsters.