08 September 2016

Autoritățile publice din Republica Moldova sunt instruite despre atragerea fondurilor europene

Centrul de Drept și Inițiative Democratice (CDID) - partener oficial al Programului de Cooperare Strategică ”Support Moldova” (2016-2018), în urma lansării primului portal on-line de accesare a fondurilor europene disponibile pentru localitățile din Republica Moldova și România - www.accesfonduri.eu, a demarat programul de instruire și informare asupra instrumentelor financiare disponibile autorităților publice locale din Republica Moldova.

06 September 2016

On focus: youth projects quality [EQYP Seminar in Yerevan]

From 13th to 18th of September 2016, GEYC and "Education without Boundaries" will organize "EQYP - European Quality in Youth Projects" Seminar in Yerevan, Armenia. The activity is the second mobility of the EQYP project coordinated by GEYC with the financial support of the European Commission through Erasmus+ programme.

05 September 2016

3R - No time to lose! Reduce, Recycle, Reuse [Youth Exchange in Greece]

GEYC is selecting 5 Romanian participants, to take part in "3R - No time to lose! Reduce, Recycle, Reuse" European project that will take place in Thessaloniki, Greece from 16 to 22 November 2016. The main aim of the youth exchange is to addresses art and environmental issues, through artistic creativity . The call is closed!
The summer is almost over and university is about to start but... what about one last trip that can make this year your best year?

GEYC is inviting you to spend a week in one of the most awesome countries in Europe: Greece!

If you wish to find more practical information about this project please check the infopack >>HERE<<.

In order to apply, please complete the online form from >>HERE<<.

If you have any questions feel free to contact us through the Contact form or by Facebook (as a private message). Please mention ”GR-45” when you contact us.

02 September 2016

EQYP Output: how to find commercial partners?

Sometimes is a burden to find the right commercial partner for your project. Let's see how you can find them...

Recrutăm 4 tineri super pasionați de antreprenoriat - European Fellowship on Social Entrepreneurship

GEYC caută 4 tineri cu spirit de întreprinzător care să fie propulsați într-o carieră antreprenorială în cadrul programului ”European Fellowship on Social Entrepreneurship”, program în care vor descoperi valențele antreprenoriatului la nivel european, vor intra în contact cu organizații și start-up-uri din Porto, Portugalia într-un schimb de experiență, vor face networking cu cei mai cool antreprenori din București în cadrul Impact Hub Bucharest și vor vedea ce presupune organizarea unui proiect din spatele cortinei. Termen limită: 5 septembrie, orele 14.

EQYP Survey on Quality (ESOQ) - Have your say by 10th of September 2016

EQYP Survey on Quality (ESOQ) is a study made in the frame of EQYP - European Quality in Youth projects aiming to illustrate different views related to the quality of youth projects. Deadline to contribute: 10th of September 2016. The results will be made available online by the end of September 2016.

01 September 2016

GEYC's added value to ''Balkan without hate'' Project

At GEYC we believe that the quality of a project should also be visible in the partners' contributions. Each one can add value by efficiently communicating with the organizers and other partners, choosing the most relevant participants, increasing visibility, disseminating and multiplying the results through local activities and generating follow-up events. This year, we were partners along with other 6 NGOs from 6 countries in Balkans without hate Project. And we've put into practice what we preach. 

100 de mobilităţi pe an nu se coordonează singure. Recrutăm!

GEYC caută 3 tineri entuziaşti care să facă parte din echipa Centrului de Mobilităţi. Dacă ai factorul #MOBILIS atunci te invităm să aplici. Termen limită: 18.09.2016

30 August 2016

#SupportMoldova: Peste 1000 de tineri din Republica Moldova vor avea acces la oportunități europene

București, 31 august 2016 - GEYC lansează Programul de Cooperare Strategică ”Support Moldova” (2016-2018) ce vizează susținerea parcursului european al Republicii Moldova prin sprijinirea actorilor cheie și dezvoltarea de competențe soft, hard și transversale, fiind destinat tinerilor, organizațiilor nonguvernamentale și autorităților publice. Programul se lansează odată cu celebrarea Zilei Limbii Române - 31 august.

26 August 2016

What is healthy lifestyle?

Cosmina Moghior, has recently participated in the project "Rhythm", a youth exchange that was held in Petrosani on the topic of healthy lifestyle. Let's see some of her impressions.