Showing posts sorted by date for query gabriel brezoiu. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query gabriel brezoiu. Sort by relevance Show all posts

04 May 2020

GEYC is publishing the Annual report for 2019 (RO/EN): 10 years of impact / 10 ani de impact

EN: It is our pleasure to launch GEYC's annual report for 2019 including key achievements of the past year, activities, partners, impact indicators, and financial statements. 
RO: Este plăcerea noastră să lansăm raportul anual al GEYC pentru 2019 ce include realizări cheie din ultimul an, activități, parteneri, indicatori de impact și situații financiare.

14 February 2020

Black Sea Regional Cooperation Mission in Ankara, Turkey

Between the 27th of February and 2nd of March 2020, our colleague Gabriel BREZOIU - General Manager of GEYC will take part to Black Sea Regional Cooperation Mission, a CSO experts mobility within the Black Sea Region hosted by our Turkish partners, Anka Project Team in Ankara, Turkey.

28 October 2019

GEYC Community - a good practice example of digital youth work (ESPON Seminar)

Bucharest, 30th of October 2019: The ESPON Seminar on “Shaping the “Next Economy”: The Territorial Dimension of the Future of Work in Southern Europe” will examine the territorial dimension of labour markets in Southern Europe, setting forth the need to adopt a place-sensitive approach while broadening the governance perspective for designing effective policies. Our colleague, Gabriel Brezoiu, will join as an invited expert during the second part of the seminar "Part II: Tackling Youth Unemployment: Is Enough Being Done?" presenting the example of GEYC Community as a digital youth work good practice.

13 October 2019

Youth for innovation (Kosovo)

We just returned from Kosovo where European Youth Award hosted a regional workshop at Prishtina Hackerspace, "Youth for innovation" dedicated to the local young people willing to develop their own digital initiatives.

15 September 2019

Apel deschis: HTML Basics for Youth Workers | Workshop [GRATUIT]

HTML Basics for Youth Workers este un eveniment dedicat lucrătorilor de tineret și tinerilor între 16-24 de ani, care își doresc să învețe elementele de bază în HTML și să „programeze” un site web. Evenimentul se desfășoară la București, la OK Center, pe 7 octombrie 2019 și face parte din EU Code Week. Evenimentul este organizat de către GEYC cu sprijinul Asociației Techsoup prin programul ”Meet and Code”. Termen limită pentru înscrieri: 3 octombrie 2019.

02 June 2019

Gabriel in the new GEYC Board of Directors

Gabriel is the founder of GEYC Community back in 2010 which has been acknowledged by the Council of Europe as a good practice of digital youth work. Gabriel is born and raised in Bucharest, but half of his time is either leading several activities in Romania & Republic of Moldova, or he is facilitating youth programmes abroad. He was facilitating new cooperation with Eastern Europe, Mediterranean and Latin American countries and he initiated #invizita, #EDYS, #GEYC #ResourcesCenter, EQYP quality standard, #PrismaEU network, #MobilityEUCafe and the memorial walk.

"he is the most motivated and motivating person, a nucleum of positive energy and motivation" (Sandra, GEYC Community)

Let's discover together his plans for the next 2 years in the #GEYCBoard.