07 June 2016

Business Girls - București, 16 Iunie

Inspire Group vine în întâmpinarea susținătorilor diversității cu cea de a II-a editie a evenimentului Business Girls. Cele mai noi date de la Registrul Comerţului şi Ministerul de Finanţe, analizate de KeysFin, arată că numai puţin de 217.400 de femei sunt implicate în prezent în afaceri, în calitate de acţionari majoritari la societăţi comerciale active pe piaţa românească.

02 June 2016

"Digital democracy: From e-participation to real influence" workshop - voting results

The European youth of today lack involvement in e-citizenship and e-participation. Inspired by the recent experiences of young people who shared ideas online and then organised events in real life, the "Digital democracy: From e-participation to real influence" workshop aimed to show how participants can use digital tools to raise public awareness and support their cause.

01 June 2016

EVS - A life-changing experience

Today we celebrate Children`s Day! Happy birthday to all of you! And for this special day, we have prepared a special article for you in collaboration with Alexandra, that we hope you will find inspiring as we do!

We`ll talk about EVS programme and how you can spend an amazing period of time abroad together with other internationals and have a life-changing experience!

27 May 2016

Training for trainers: an intensive learning experience in Sweden

“Good learning never stops with the end of training course. It only begins then.”

Between 9th of May and 17th of May, GEYC took part in “T4T - Training for trainers” Erasmus+ Training Course held in Gothenburg, Sweden. The aim of the project was to train youth workers to become trainers and provide them with the theory, skills and tools necessary to design, implement and evaluate effective training programs in order to generate optimum learning outcomes and improved performance.

25 May 2016

“First aid, second chance” prin ochii noștri.

Proiectul “First aid, second chance” a devenit accesibil nouă printr-un singur click. Nu ne-am imaginat în acea secundă că acel click o să fie pistonul aventurii noastre. Astfel, șase tineri, ușor timizi, sceptici am dat pentru prima dată mâna pe 13 mai și am pornit entuziasmați spre „tărâmul” atât al distracției, al voii bune, cât și al cunoașterii ți responsabilității.

21 May 2016

Discover Erasmus + World

Lots of young people travelling around Europe..and you hear many of them talking about some amazing programmes, called Erasmus+. What do these actually mean?

Well...let me introduce you to Erasmus + World, which may become a lifestyle for many of you even though you might seem not so confident at the beginning. The aim of all 
Erasmus + programmes  includes the focus on promoting non-formal education and giving international young people the opportunity to discover multiculturality, to enlarge their horizons, in other words, to grow.

Call for 4 Romanian participants and one group leader: Youth Exchange in La Vancelle (nearby Strasbourg), France (24.10.-30.10.2016)

GEYC is selecting 4 Romanian participants and one group leader, to take part in "Be an European citizen, become an eco-citizen" European project that will take place in La Vancelle , France from 24.10 to 30.10.2016. The main aim of the youth exchange is to show how to live among other Europeans citizen while respecting the sustainability in terms of the environment and economy. Deadline: 31 May 2016 | Apply now!

13 May 2016

EQYP - Story of Day 7

Last day of our training course challenged ourselves to recap what we have achieved during this week in terms of knowledge, skills and also attitudes. And what a better method to do that than playing in the casino?

12 May 2016

EQYP - Story of Day 6

Today we talked about the project budget and how to save the money. At the beginning we started with an interactive quiz of 10 questions about our personal economic management, and we realized that the group generally has a good quality of answer.