25 August 2016

Time to have an entrepreneurial entry

Erasmus+ has connected until now over 500.000 of young people into volunteering programs and youth exchanges. They have had the opportunity to gain new information and to discover new sides of the world. But let`s see how a youth exchange can be for someone who has had experienced it, for participants. From 1st to 8th of August 2016, we have participated to "Entrepreneurial entry" youth exchange in Trnava, Slovakia.

17 August 2016

Stilul de viață sănătos ajunge în Ungaria

Tiberiu Aninoiu, reprezentant al Comunității GEYC, a avut o participare de succes la proiectul RHYTHM din luna Iulie în Petroșani. Ca urmare a cunoștințelor dobândite în cadrul acestuia, acesta s-a decis să împărtășească informațiile și cu alte persoane organizând astfel o sesiune de diseminare în Ungaria. Să vedem cum s-a desfășurat.

16 August 2016

All about healthy lifestyle | Youth Exchange in Petroșani

Margareta Cucli-Iane came back from an Erasmus+ youth exchange in Petroșani, a project organised by our partners from Euroeduas Romania. She discovered the beauty of a healthy lifestyle. Let's hear some of her impressions.

13 August 2016

Training SALTO: Place aux Jeunes! Des echanges par les jeunes

Trainingul în limba franceză “Place aux Jeunes! Des echanges par les jeunes” a avut loc în Viroinval, Belgia, între 2-7 august 2016 fiind organizat de către Agenția Națională Erasmus+ din Belgia.

O experiență de neuitat în Marea Britanie

Andreea Bratu, reprezentant al Comunității GEYC, a avut ocazia de a lua parte la un curs intensiv de formare în marea Britanie. După o experiență așa placută, ea a decis să ne împărtășească câteva gânduri.

09 August 2016

Body language through contemporary dance [Training Course in France]

GEYC is selecting 3 Romanian participants, to take part in "Your body is a voice" European project that will take place in Ganties (near Toulouse), France from 05.09 to 15.09.2016. The main aim of the training course is to to explore and introduce the participants to the practice of body language and contemporary dance as a way to reclaim one's body, to communicate, to affirm self-confidence, develop creativity and express one's identity and ideas. Deadline: Call Closed | Apply now!

Digital Participation Camp sau locul unde se leagă cele mai frumoase prietenii.

Ana, Daiana și Cătălin tocmai s-au întors din proiectul "Digital Participation Camp: take the lead!" ce a avut loc în Munster, Germania și au dorit să împărtățească cu noi câteva impresii de acolo.

07 August 2016

Growing Tree

During the 16th and the 25th of July 2016, three participants have represented GEYC in Horni Maršov (Czech Republic), attending ''Growing Tree Training Course'', project financed through Erasmus+ Programme.

02 August 2016

Your sexual health matters [Training Course in Estonia]

GEYC is selecting 5 Romanian participants, to take part in "From experts to sexperts" European project that will take place in Viljandimaa, Estonia from 11.09. to 18.09.2016. The main aim of the training course is to provide sexual education to those who ca pass it on within their local community. Deadline: on-going | Apply now!

Call for participants! [Youth Exchange in Serbia]

GEYC is selecting 7 Romanian participants, to take part in "Sustainable development and youth work" European project that will take place in Rudnik, Serbia from 03-11.09.2016. The main aim of the youth exchange is designed to raise awareness about sustainable development especially among rural youth who is lacking opportunities to attend activities giving them possibilities for personal and professional development. Deadline: on-going |Apply now!