02 August 2016

Call for participants! [Youth Exchange in Serbia]

GEYC is selecting 7 Romanian participants, to take part in "Sustainable development and youth work" European project that will take place in Rudnik, Serbia from 03-11.09.2016. The main aim of the youth exchange is designed to raise awareness about sustainable development especially among rural youth who is lacking opportunities to attend activities giving them possibilities for personal and professional development. Deadline: on-going |Apply now!

29 July 2016

Eurasia prin ochii GEYC!

Simion Strugar, membru activ al Comunității GEYC s-a întors de curând din Armenia și a avut plăcerea de a împărtăși cu noi câteva impresii legate de experiența lui. Proiectul s-a desfășurat în Yerevan și a avut ca temă "The Power of Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue".

We are the champions: empowerment for employability [Training course in Italy]

GEYC is selecting 4 Romanian participants, to take part in "We are the champions: empowerment for employability" European project that will take place in Ferrara, Italy from 27.11. to 04.12.2016. The main aim of the training course is providing youth workers with competences for supporting disadvantaged NEETs youngsters in the process of realigning their own life-paths with a view to enhancing their employability. Deadline: 9 August 2016 | Apply now!

28 July 2016

Discrimination. It stops with YOU. IF not YOU, then WHO? [Youth Exchange in Cyprus]

GEYC is selecting 5 Romanian participants, to take part in "Include me" European project that will take place in Cyprus from 18.11 to 26.11.2016. The main aim of the youth exchange is to overcome different forms of discrimination through methods of giving the opportunity to young people to learn from each other and to develop friendships. Deadline: 8 August 2016 | Apply now!

Încercarea moarte n-are: cum să iei parte la un TC Salto-Youth?

Mădălina, membră a comunității GEYC tocmai s-a întors dintr-un curs de formare (training course - TC) în Irlanda de Nord. Hai să vedem cum a fost experiența ei!

12 July 2016

Pasiunea ta pentru limbi straine aduce inovare in mediul business

Știm că faci parte din generația inovatoare, așa că te așteptăm la Innovation Leaders – BPO & Shared Services, un nou eveniment de promovare a inovației! Dacă ești pasionat de limbile străine și student sau absolvent al unei facultăți de profil, profită de noile oportunități din domeniul de BPO & Shared Services și contribuie la dezvoltarea lor!

03 July 2016

Who run the world? Girls!

Yes, girls run the world or at least they make the majority of GEYC Team in one of our dear projects that happened in Rudnik, Serbia on the topic of "Sustainable development and youth work". Let's see some of their impressions.

Project Steps Guidelines

Are you wondering what is the secret to project success? Include these baby steps in your strategy towards a high-quality youth project.