15 May 2024

EFIVOS Debate: "ÎmprEUnă votăm": Engaging Youth in the Democratic Process


On May 15, 2024, the European Parliament Office in Romania hosted "ÎmprEUnă votăm," a dynamic debate event dedicated to emphasizing the significance of voting and promoting youth participation in democracy. Held in Bucharest, the event brought together policy makers and enthusiastic young individuals eager to make a difference.

The event's structure was designed to foster an interactive dialogue between the youth and the panel. A moderator guided the proceedings, ensuring a balanced and inclusive discussion. The methodology included:

  • Opening Remarks: The moderator introduced the event and outlined its objectives.
  • Panel Introductions: Each panel member presented their views on youth engagement and the importance of voting.
  • Q&A Session: Youth participants asked questions directly to the panel, sparking in-depth discussions on various topics.
  • Open Floor Discussion: Attendees freely shared their thoughts and experiences.
  • Closing Statements: Key points were summarized, and panelists made final commitments.

The debate addressed several critical issues:

  • Significance of Voting: Discussions highlighted how each vote impacts democratic processes and society as a whole.
  • Youth Voter Turnout: Strategies to increase youth voter turnout were explored, focusing on overcoming barriers like apathy and lack of information.
  • Educational Initiatives: The role of education in promoting a democratic mindset and active citizenship was emphasized.
  • Technological Solutions: Ideas on leveraging technology to make voting more accessible and engaging for young people were discussed.
  • Policy Proposals: Specific policies to facilitate youth participation in elections, such as lowering the voting age and implementing civic education programs, were proposed.

The young participants demonstrated a high level of knowledge and awareness about democratic processes and the importance of voting. Their questions reflected a deep understanding of the issues and a strong desire to engage constructively with policy makers. Many showcased their familiarity with current political affairs and exhibited critical thinking in their inquiries.

Ideas Shared:
  • Enhanced Civic Education: Comprehensive civic education programs in schools to build a strong foundation of democratic values.
  • Youth Councils: Establishing youth councils at local and national levels to ensure young voices are heard in policy-making.
  • Digital Voting Platforms: Developing secure and user-friendly digital voting platforms for tech-savvy young voters.
  • Community Engagement: Organizing community events and forums to discuss political issues and promote a culture of voting among youth.

"ÎmprEUnă votăm" successfully facilitated a rich exchange of ideas and fostered a deeper understanding of the importance of voting among young participants. The event underscored the collective power of informed and active youth in driving democratic change. By engaging directly with policy makers and candidates, the participants not only voiced their concerns but also contributed valuable insights and solutions. This event marks a significant step towards a more inclusive and participatory democratic process in Romania. Together, as emphasized during the event, we can make a difference—because together, we are stronger.