26 November 2018

You(th) lead: developing leadership skills throughout 1 week of non-formal education in Šibenik, Croatia

A seven day training course, named “You(th) lead”, was implemented in the city of Šibenik, Croatia. The project involved a total of 30 participants over the age of 21 from 9 different EU countries, the main activities taking place between the 22nd and the 28th of October 2018.

22 November 2018

The mobilities of the KA2 project "International Youth Studies" - That's a wrap!

InYouS project, which started in April 2018, aims to ameliorate the recognition of youth work and non-formal education through development of certified “International youth studies” curricula (and organizing a distance-learning course for youth workers) and open educational materials for European Higher Education Institutions. 

20 November 2018

GEYCulet at the 22nd ASEF Summer University (ASEFSU22)

Despite my expectations, I have been accepted in one of the most interactive and complex programs that I’ve participated so far. The official name was ‘’The 22nd ASEF Summer University’’ offered by the Asia-Europe Foundation. Personally it felt like an interdisciplinary Innnovathon in which the organisers offered us a complex experience. But, let me tell you more about my experience.
Claudiu Șulea

14 November 2018

The start of the KA2 Partnership "Youth Workers 2.0"!

“Youth Workers 2.0” project will provide guidance and training for youth workers across Europe on how to use ICT tools and digital methods to better deliver basic skills youth education. This will be done through an integrative approach in collecting, sharing and disseminating innovative and inclusive teaching and learning practices using ICT tools and digital methods.

11 November 2018

"Together we can R.E.A.C.H. (Recover European Ancient Cultural Heritage) 2", Mileto, Italy

Together we can R.E.A.C.H. (Recover European Ancient Cultural Heritage) 2 was the second chapter of a Youth Exchange funded by Erasmus+ program carried out in Mileto from 20 to 28th September 2018.

05 November 2018

Bootcamp EFYL - European Fellowship on Youth Leadership - Second Edition

European Fellowship on Youth Leadership (EFYL) is a complex programme of youth leadership initiated by GEYC in 2017, under the aegis of PRISMA European Network. The second edition is taking place in the frame of the #PlayEurope project and will have the duration of 9 months (October 2018 - July 2019).