Showing posts with label active citizenship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label active citizenship. Show all posts

Volunteers wanted - EVS "Meeting of generations", Ankara, Turkey

We are looking for volunteers for the short-term EVS project "Meeting of generations", which have started in February 2019 in Ankara, Turkey, and will have 6 rounds, each lasting 2 months.

Call for participants - TC Hate speech fighters, 11.09.2018-18.09.2018, Bansko, Bulgaria

We are looking for 3 Romanian participants to take part in the Project ‘’Hate Speech Fighters’', a training course for youth workers involving 3 trainers and 30 youth workers from 10 countries in Europe and the Caucasus-Bulgaria ,Spain, Italy The Netherlands, Estonia, Romania, Lithuania, Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan.

TC - FaciliTRAIN, 20th-28th of June 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece

During 20th and 28th of June, 4 young people from Romania took part in the "FaciliTRAIN" Training Course, which represented a learning environment focusing on learning by experience, reflection on the past activities of the participants, discussions about the key competencies of youth work and discovering training competencies and methodology.

TC "Glamorize with NFL - Non-formal Learning", Ankara, Turcia

Între 7 și 15 iulie, Iulian Lercă și Simion Strugar au participat la proiectul “Glamorize with NFL” organizat de asociația “Aktif-Iz” in Ankara, Turcia, ca reprezentanți GEYC.

Call for participants - TC "The peace pilgrimage", 04.09.2018-12.09.2018, Lugo to Santiago de Compostela, Spain

The training course will take the format of a 100km hike-pilgrimage using what is known as the first European Cultural itinerary, the Camino of Santiago de Compostela in Spain, while exploring the power of inner peace through meditation for youth workers.

EVS Academy 2017-2018, Bulgaria

In the period of 2017-2018, our partners from Alternativi International implemented the project EVS Academy, including 16 volunteers from Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Spain, Italy, Romania and Turkey.

YE - ”Coop'Action", 20.06.2018-30.06.2018, Bédeille, France

On the 20th of June 2018, 5 ambitious young people from Romania and Republic of Moldova (Roxi, Laszlo, Iulia, Andra and Catalin) met for the first time in the airport, while waiting for their flight. Still sleepy, but filled with enthusiasm, they didn’t know what to expect from such a project since neither of them had ever been involved in one.

Chiș Andreea - #EFYL - Eurosfat 2018 - “Aderarea României la zona euro”

Forumul Eurosfat 2018 a fost un cadru de discuție ce s-a axat pe  viitorul României, al Uniunii Europene, al României în Uniunea Europeană și o dezbatere despre contribuția României la relansarea proiectului european și pașii de urmat până, dar și după Summitul de la Sibiu din mai 2019. Andreea Chiș, membru al Comunității EFYL, a participat la discuția ce a avut ca temă aderarea României la zona euro. 

Get involved in Youth Activists' Lab (Erasmus+)

"Youth Activists' Lab" is an Erasmus+ youth exchange gathering 36 young people and youth workers from 6 countries (France, Lebanon, Morocco, Romania, Spain and Tunisia) aiming to highlight thе powеr of activism and voluntееring for youth by еxploring ways to еngagе young pеoplе's pееrs in fighting hatе spееch and all forms of еxtrеmism. It took place in Marrakech, Morocco, from 21st to 29th of March 2018. Now, let us share with you our results!

Dezvoltă-ți abilitățile de lider la nivelul următor

S-a dat startul înscrierilor la programul Leaders Explore la care puteți obține burse integrale de participare și să vă dezvoltați abilitățile de lider. Termen limită înscrieri: 5 aprilie (București) / 30 martie (Iași)

Toolkit for Active Citizenship - YEP (Young EUROpeople)

Toolkit for Active Citizenship is an useful tool that was realized by the participants from 6 European countries during the "Young EUROpeople" youth exchange that was held in Caligari, Italy. The toolkit is available for everyone and presents in a different way the experience of all 41 participants.

TC - Active Citizenship in the Digital Era- Wuppertal, Germania, Iulie 2017

Training Course-ul intitulat " Active Citizenship in the Digital Era " care s-a desfășurat în orașul Wuppertal - Germania și la care am avut ocazia sã particip a reprezentat pentru mine șansa de a-mi extinde universul cunoașterii atât din punct de vedere cultural cât și social. 

Beatrice: "Here I learnt to enjoy my moments. In the end, life will happen anyway"

Today we are super happy because we received a letter from Beatrice, our EVS volunteer hosted by Agora Aveiro. We will share it with you.

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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