16 July 2018

Capacity Building and Evaluation Seminar - PRIDE: Promoting Diversity and Inclusive Youth Work Practices

The Long Term Training Course "Promoting Diversity and Inclusive Youth Work Practices" was intended for youth workers, youth trainers and facilitators who are ready to work on the topics of diversity, inclusion and anti-discrimination in order to activate the potential of diversity in trainings and work with young people both at National and the European levels.

15 July 2018

Căutăm voluntari pentru un EVS short term în Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, „Volunteering 4 Strategic development”

GEYC caută voluntari pentru proiectul  EVS „Volunteering 4 Strategic development” ce va avea loc în Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, între 01.09.2018-29.10.2018.

12 July 2018

YE - ”Coop'Action", 20.06.2018-30.06.2018, Bédeille, France

On the 20th of June 2018, 5 ambitious young people from Romania and Republic of Moldova (Roxi, Laszlo, Iulia, Andra and Catalin) met for the first time in the airport, while waiting for their flight. Still sleepy, but filled with enthusiasm, they didn’t know what to expect from such a project since neither of them had ever been involved in one.

10 July 2018

The Manual of Success Stories on Social Entrepreneurship

In our PlayEurope KA2 partnership, we developed, together with our partners, The Manual of Success Stories on Social Entrepreneurship. It contains real stories from individuals who have already run social enterprises, motivating and inspiring young people to set their own social business.

EVS "Volunteers 4 Tolerance ", 15.05.2018-14.06.2018, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria

The EVS "Volunteers 4 Tolerance " which took place in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, from 15th of May to 14th of June involved 28 volunteers from Armenia, Georgia, Italy, Romania, Spain and Turkey and was hosted by our partners from Alternativi International.

Young People are Creating Their Future- Youth Exchange in Corsica

Between 23rd of June and 2nd of July five of our inspiring Geyculeți: Alin, Ilinca, Mădălina, Robert and Georgiana started their journey towards Corsica at an Youth Exchange on digital marketing and advertising, with a special focus on ethics in the digital world and NGO strategies in this regard.

09 July 2018

GEYC: The launch of the European Fellowship on Project Management

European Fellowship on Project Management is a complex programme initiated by GEYC under the framework of EuroIMPACT Plus KA2 Strategic Partnership, aiming to develop the project management skills of young people.

03 July 2018

Chiș Andreea - #EFYL - Eurosfat 2018 - “Aderarea României la zona euro”

Forumul Eurosfat 2018 a fost un cadru de discuție ce s-a axat pe  viitorul României, al Uniunii Europene, al României în Uniunea Europeană și o dezbatere despre contribuția României la relansarea proiectului european și pașii de urmat până, dar și după Summitul de la Sibiu din mai 2019. Andreea Chiș, membru al Comunității EFYL, a participat la discuția ce a avut ca temă aderarea României la zona euro. 

02 July 2018

Cea de-a cincea întâlnire organizată de Consiliul Europei cu societatea civilă romă

În perioada 21-22 iunie 2018 în Strasbourg, Loredana Dinu (Comunitatea GEYC) a luat parte la evenimentul”The 5th Dialogue Meeting”, organizat de Consiliul Europei. 

Această întâlnire a reprezentat un forum prin care toate părțile interesate au împărtășit propriile cunoșțințe și bune practici cu privire la participarea femeilor rome la viața publică și la viața politică.