Showing posts with label partnership for sustainability. Show all posts
Showing posts with label partnership for sustainability. Show all posts

30 March 2020

Training Course [TR-363] ESC 101 “Introduction to the European Solidarity Corps” 11.03.2020 – 17.03.2020, Adana, Turcia

În perioada 11–17 martie 2020 s-a desfășurat în Adana, Turcia, cursul de formare Erasmus+ „Introduction to the European Solidarity Corps”, bazat pe tema voluntariatului, pe promovarea cetățeniei active a tinerilor, în general, și a cetățeniei lor europene, în special.

12 February 2020

MAD you. You can Make a Difference!

We are very happy to announce that we have a new European Solidarity Corps project approved! MAD you. You can Make a Difference and will involve 50 volunteers from 5 partner organizations from Italy, Spain, Turkey, Morocco and Romania. Each voluntary activity will last for 2 weeks. The main idea of the project comes from the need to improve the living environment, and we are going to start from the cities where the activities will take place: Ankara/Beypazari (Turkey), Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto (Italy), Ferrol (Spain) and Guelmim/Laqsabi Targoust (Morocco). 

Implementing the project, we would expect to create a sense of responsibility for the target involved and to give our small contribution against global warming, water shortages, heat waves, tsunamis and floods. Also, we would like to give our contribution to develop a sense of belonging of citizens to their communities.

If you care about the environment and you are a multiculturality lover, for sure you would love to participate in the project activities. Stay tuned!