20 February 2020

Am început înscrierile la #GenerationEU: Promotori pentru democrație, ediția a VI-a / TL: 12 martie 2020

#GenerationEU: Promotori ai democrației europene, ajuns la ediția numărul 6, continuă tradiția de a aduce împreună 20 de tineri, care doresc să se implice în promovarea valorilor europene în comunitățile locale. Promovarea în comunitățile locale a beneficiilor apartenenței la UE reprezintă tema ediției din 2020, în jurul căreia participanții sunt invitați să propună un concept și să desfășoare acțiuni de comunicare. Termenul limită de înscriere: 5 martie 2020 12 martie 2020.

17 February 2020

Redirecționează și tu 3,5% din impozitul pe venit către GEYC!

3,5% pentru tineret, 100% pentru România!
Redirecționează 3,5% din impozitul pe venit deja achitat către Bugetul de stat și sprijină dezvoltarea personală și profesională a peste 3600 de tineri, cadre didactice și lucrători de tineret din România și Republica Moldova.

15 February 2020

GEYC Mobility Center Impact (2010-2019)

It is our pleasure to present the 10 years results of GEYC Mobility Center under 3 criteria:
  • Number of participants sent in mobility projects;
  • Number of mobilities;
  • Number of countries visited;
We would like to particularly thank our international partners for their trust, friendship and collaboration over the past 10 years and of course, to the 3600+ GEYC Community members.

14 February 2020

Black Sea Regional Cooperation Mission in Ankara, Turkey

Between the 27th of February and 2nd of March 2020, our colleague Gabriel BREZOIU - General Manager of GEYC will take part to Black Sea Regional Cooperation Mission, a CSO experts mobility within the Black Sea Region hosted by our Turkish partners, Anka Project Team in Ankara, Turkey.

12 February 2020

MAD you. You can Make a Difference!

We are very happy to announce that we have a new European Solidarity Corps project approved! MAD you. You can Make a Difference and will involve 50 volunteers from 5 partner organizations from Italy, Spain, Turkey, Morocco and Romania. Each voluntary activity will last for 2 weeks. The main idea of the project comes from the need to improve the living environment, and we are going to start from the cities where the activities will take place: Ankara/Beypazari (Turkey), Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto (Italy), Ferrol (Spain) and Guelmim/Laqsabi Targoust (Morocco). 

Implementing the project, we would expect to create a sense of responsibility for the target involved and to give our small contribution against global warming, water shortages, heat waves, tsunamis and floods. Also, we would like to give our contribution to develop a sense of belonging of citizens to their communities.

If you care about the environment and you are a multiculturality lover, for sure you would love to participate in the project activities. Stay tuned!

04 February 2020

Young Digital Leaders Impact Report 2019

Young Digital Leaders (YDL) is an educational programme aiming to empower young people across Europe through digital citizenship, critical thinking and media literacy.

22 January 2020

The start of the KA3 project "DIVERSE"

The Key Action 3 project "DIVERSE" aims to promote social inclusion and diversity in multicultural classrooms with an increased number of children from refugee/migrant/ minority background through the use of creative methods and more specifically, storytelling methods. It is going to use e-learning as a method to train teachers. The project is funded by Erasmus+

20 January 2020


GEYC sărbătorește 10 ani de activitate în martie 2020, ocazie cu care deschidem înscrierile pentru concursul „#GEYC10 Changemakers”. Acesta este organizat în cadrul proiectului KA2 Youth Workers 2.0, întrucât Comunitatea GEYC este prima comunitate digitală de tineri din România, iar scopul acestui proiect este de a promova utilizarea instrumentelor digitale în lucrul cu tinerii.

19 January 2020

Training Course "This is the future: ideas in mind!" (Poznan, Poland - 4-12.01.2020)

"This is the future: ideas in mind!" was a mobility for youth workers under Erasmus+, KA1, bringing together 30 participants from Poland, Romania, Czech Republic, Spain, Germany, Croatia and The Netherlands. The training course aimed to explain the sustainability and independence of social enterprises on real examples and transfer entrepreneurial skills such as budgeting, digital tools for promotion, and business plan creation. Moreover, It was hosted by Logos Polska in Poznan, Poland (4-12.01.2020). 

08 January 2020

We are kicking out the DIVERSE Project

Diverse project’s aim is to promote the skills of teachers to manage diversity in the classroom through methods based on storytelling (drama in education, fairy tales and digital storytelling)
The main objective of the project is to improve the management of diversity in the classroom and especially in classrooms with an increased number of children with refugee/ migrant or minority background in their school environment.

The first specific objective of the project is to support teachers and educators that are teaching in multicultural schools (school with an increased number of children with refugee/ migrant/ minority background) to develop their skills in order to promote effectively in the classroom. The second specific objective is the improvement of the social inclusion of children with refugee/ migrant or minority background in their classroom and in the society more generally. The project will focus both in elementary and secondary schools.

The project targets the teachers who are teaching in multicultural schools, as it will equip them with different tools that they can use to improve the promotion and management of diversity in multicultural classes and the children themselves, as it will allow them to learn in ways more aligned to their needs. 

The project is based on storytelling, which implies a lot of emotional involvement and allows teachers and students to understand better the different cultures, and aims to adapt and upscale three methods of telling a story: Drama in Education, activities based on fairy and folk tales and Digital Storytelling. The training of teachers on how to use these three methods of storytelling in order to promote diversity in their classroom will allow both the improvement of the intercultural competencies of the teachers and the change of attitudes of the whole classroom. This in return will contribute to the improvement of the social inclusion of the children from refugee/ migrant/ minority backgrounds.

The main activities of the project are designed in order to provide to the teachers the necessary tools in order to be able to deal with diversity in their classroom and create learning environments that will promote the effective social inclusion of all the children in a multicultural classroom.

For more information visit the projects's website or the latest news about it.