Showing posts with label digital citizenship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label digital citizenship. Show all posts
21 September 2020
13 July 2020
06 June 2020
22 May 2020
04 February 2020
Young Digital Leaders Impact Report 2019
Young Digital Leaders (YDL) is an educational programme aiming to empower young people across Europe through digital citizenship, critical thinking and media literacy.
13 December 2019
Young Digital Leaders 2019 - Final Event
Young Digital Leaders is a Europe-wide programme that aims to empower young people through digital citizenship, critical thinking and media literacy skills that reach beyond the classroom, so that they can be truly empowered as responsible digital leaders. What started off with a meeting in Brussels in February this year ended with an event during which the partners presented their achievements, shared good practices and brainstormed together about the lessons learned and the road ahead.
16 November 2019
Young Digital Leaders at the World Forum for Democracy
We showcased the Young Digital Leaders Project during the World Forum for Democracy, hosted by the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. Here's how we did and what guests wanted to know about our project.
18 March 2019
Înscrieri la cursurile de formare pentru cadre didactice în proiectul Young Digital Leaders
Deschidem oficial înscrierile pentru cursurile de formare a cadrelor didactice în contextul proiectului inițiat de, Young Digital Leaders. Aici găsiți formularul de înscriere și toate detaliile legate de locații, date și metodologie.
13 March 2019
A început proiectul „Young Digital Leaders”, Ediția II, o inițiativă și implementat de ISD (UK) și GEYC
RO: Echipa GEYC a dat startul activităților din cadrul proiectului „Young Digital Leaders” la Colegiul Național „Nichita Stănescu” din Ploiești. Proiectul a fost inițiat de și este coordonat de către ISD (UK) în parteneriat cu GEYC.
EN: The GEYC team kicked off the activities of the "Young Digital Leaders" project at ”Nichita Stănescu” National College in Ploieşti. The project was initiated by and is coordinated by ISD (UK) in partnership with GEYC.
14 February 2019
Young Digital Leaders- second edition
RO: Pe 6 Februarie 2019, echipa noastra a fost in Bruxelles pentru intalnirea de inceput a celei de-a doua editii a Young Digital Leaders, o initiativa a carei faza pilot din Romania a avut loc la Oradea, in 2018.
EN: On February the 6th 2019, our team was in Brussels for the kick off meeting of the second edition of Young Digital Leaders, an initiative that had its Romanian pilot phase in Oradea, in 2018.
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