Showing posts with label social networks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label social networks. Show all posts

09 April 2017

Provocare: Cum comunicăm pe rețele sociale? // Challenge: How to communicate in social media?

English version below

În cadrul workshop-ului de debut al celei de-a treia ediții „Promotori pentru democrație europeană”, echipa GEYC a susținut o sesiune pe tema „Cum comunicăm pe rețele sociale?” menită să îi pregătească pe promotori să utilizeze eficient mijloacele digitale în realizarea activităților lor de comunicare europeană.
During the start workshop of the third edition of "Promoters for European Democracy", GEYC team led a session on "How to communicate in social media?" aiming to train the promoters in using efficiently digital means for their communication activities.

15 August 2014

Free ebook: How to use social media wise for your organisation

Many organisations need to organize better their social media presence. "Social networks management policies" is a free ebook prepared by GEYC in the frame of SMARTER project in order to support specially youth organisation towards this need. It includes: international best practices, a policy methodology template and also GEYC's example.