Opportunity International (UK) in partnership with GEYC (Romania) will organize from 3rd to 11th of November, "New Media Ambassadors" training course which will be held in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, a project which is co-financed by the European Commission through "Youth in action" program. The aim of this initiative is building capacity of European youth workers in the field of new media communication.
Deadline: 10th of September 2013 | Apply now !
Deadline: 30th of August 2013 (for Turkish applicants)
Deadline: 30th of August 2013 (for Turkish applicants)
Nowadays, technology is changing very fast. If we are speaking about digital world, new tools and applications are becoming more and more advanced day by day. The raising number of internet users (more than 500 mil. people in 2012 according to http://www.internetworldstats.com/stats.htm) makes the digital world even more powerful. Many industries started to use new media technologies: from applications aimed to order a taxi to some more complex ones where you live in a digital world and each volunteer commitment is instantly rewarded with points by this virtual community.
Both individuals and organisations tend to adapt to technology. There are several initiatives coming from both governmental and corporate sources which aim to give to their activity a digital side in order to reduce costs and time. Sometimes, the "digital side" becomes the business itself as we may realize it could be better for several activities to be kept online only.
Technology has fundamentally changed the way we live, work and communicate. Efficient non profit organizations have integrated these tools in their work. For example, in 2012 some organizations have already effectively used social media tools in their fundraising strategy (Huffington post). Therefore, youth workers and project managers working for NGOs should be ready to tackle these challenges. The project came from the lack of knowledge they have in this field, by one side, and increasing diversity and sophistication of new media tools, by the other side. Both organizers and partners realized they need a common space for meeting people and organisations concerned by these topics, having a theoretical input, sharing good practices and having the opportunity to interact and debate several sensitive topics related to European values (human rights, online security and privacy, democracy, tolerance, equality of chances, non discrimination). Moreover we are motivated to work further in this field and to establish long term cooperation in the topic of new media.
1. Empowering youth workers to use multimedia tools to fight discrimination and to promote European values such as tolerance, democracy, respect to human rights, equality;
2. Providing new media skills to youth workers in order to use social media tools to improve communication and fundraising activities of their organisations;
3. Stimulating youth workers to cooperate at European level, to share good practices to network in order to raise their organisations advocacy capacity towards other stakeholders;
Deadline: 10th of September 2013 | Apply now !
Deadline: 30th of August 2013 (for Turkish applicants)
Deadline: 30th of August 2013 (for Turkish applicants)
Target group
- group size: 28 persons;
- the language of the training course is English. All participants should be able to communicate in English;
- all participants should have basic digital and social media skills in order to fully take part in project activities;
- age: over 18;
- current location (at the moment they will start to travel for the project): United Kingdom, Romania (please read the call for Romanian participants), Turkey, Croatia, Poland, Slovenia, Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, France, Belgium and Estonia;
- a priority will be given to New Media Ambassadors (interns or graduates) at GEYC Resources Center;
- until 30th of August 2013: applications are opened | support during applications (this is the deadline for Turkish applicants);
- 31st of August 2013: selection of Turkish participants and starting the visa procedures (sending the invitation letter etc.);
- until 10th of September 2013: applications are opened | support during applications;
- until 15th of September 2013: communication of selection results and confirmation;
- until 30th of September 2013: travel arrangements;
- until 2nd of November 2013: documentation and preparation of participants;
- 3rd - 11th November 2013: training course takes place;
- after 11th November 2013: evaluation, follow-up, reimbursement;
Financial conditions
- Participants need to cover their travel and after they provide all needed documents, they will be reimbursed 70% - more information will be provided to selected participants;
- 100% of accommodation, meals, training, materials and other activities costs are covered;
- 100% of visa costs (for Turkey) are covered - more information will be provided to selected participants;
- Participants are responsible of their own health insurance. The project will not cover these costs, but we strongly advise you to have such an insurance in any case (you can have European Health Card which is free of costs);
- Local partners might charge a participation fee to cover preparation and administrative costs;
NMA is a complex training course where theoretical, networking and sharing experiences will be mixed together with practical sessions where the participants will also have the opportunity to work on their own projects.
The training course will be based on several methods of non-formal education. The following methods will be used throughout the training course: energizers (simple and fun games which will be used to open some sessions when the energy of the participants seem to be low), name games (in order to facilitate the learning of the other participants names), ice-breakers (games and other activities used to facilitate the non-formal introduction of the participants), brainstorming, debates, teamwork in intercultural subgroups.

If you need to contact us, you can leave a comment below or send a private message through GEYC Resources Center Facebook page.
”New Media Ambassadors” (GB-43-E35-2013-R2) is an European training course organized by Opportunity, UK in partnership with GEYC, Romania. This project has been funded with support from the European Union. This publication/communication reflects the views only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of information contained therein.