RURAL HERITAGE WEEK, 19-25 OCTOBER 2022 in the frame of the KA2 Erasmus+ project PRHBYW


The rural heritage is a link between the past and the present, reminding us of the creativity, exchange of goods, people and ideas, but also of the conflicts and social changes that have shaped our European history. Cultural heritage is what we have inherited: our legacy, our memories, physical places, objects and intangible beliefs and practices, and so much more. Today, many rural areas of Europe are faced with depopulation problems and diminishing job opportunities. For keeping alive the rural heritage, during these modern times, we need to promote active European citizenship, as well as a source of employment for young people with little or no academic qualifications.

How many of us think nowadays about traditional ways of living, eating, or crafting? Together with national and regional authorities, the European Union is working hard to find and create new job opportunities in rural areas where, for example, food production was once a major source of income, to boost youth participation in their communities and to help in keeping alive the rural heritage specific to each country.

Rural Heritage Week is a one week event, taking place between 19-25th of October, also celebrating a dedicated Rural Heritage Day on the 22nd of October 2022, both events happening in the frame of the Erasmus+ KA2 project Promote rural heritage by youth workers (PRHBYW). Both events celebrate history and reminiscence of the past, when rural activities such as farming, cooking, spinning, lace making, leather working, soap making, wood carving, gardening or old-fashioned games were a constant in people’s lives trying to link them with the present. The combination of tradition and modernity is essential in the process of rural development without leaving no one behind. During the Rural Heritage Week and Rural Heritage Day youth workers, young people, rural entrepreneurs will use digital tools to raise awareness about rural heritage, especially among young people and parties actively involved in the project's thematic.

Promote rural heritage by youth workers (PRHBYW) addresses two of the six rural development priorities supported by ENRD (European Network for Rural Development, programming period 2014-2020): Knowledge Transfer and Innovation, and Social Inclusion and Economic Development. Nowadays, an increasing number of young people living in rural areas of Europe find themselves socially and civically marginalized, being also largely unaware of the international mobility opportunities offered by programs such as the European Solidarity Corps and Erasmus+ where resources are offered for their professional and personal development. The KA2 Erasmus+ project is an initiative of a consortium of four countries and five organizations: SER JOVEN, GEYC, JOINT, CANTABRURI and DIRAMARSI.

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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