Call for parteners - youth exchange in Italy on the topic of arts and culture for social inclusion

Comune di Agropoli (applicant, Italy) and GEYC (partener, Romania) are looking for partners for a youth exchange held in Italy in May 2012.

Play of images. Arts, culture and creativity for social inclusion. 
It is a cultural exchange that takes place in Agropoli , Campania Region, Italy in May 2013. The theme of the project is the promotion of the intercultural understanding, fighting the racism and the xenophobia through the art and the culture. 

- Promotion of creativity and culture seen as opportunities to participate in social, civil and democratic youth. - Promoting social inclusion through activities that use methods of non-formal learning, group work and cooperation to help overcome the differences between young and discrimination based on race. 
- Young people get used to a multicultural dimension of knowledge, dialogue and respect; 
- The development of integrated pathways and the promotion of employment opportunities for unemployed youth. Encourage youth entrepreneurship. 
- Encourage young people to develop their creativity and their ability to innovate, using 3 different tools: social photography, use of video as a tool of expression and awareness, popular music. 
- Organisation of a final event called "Day of European culture", in order to enhance the project activities (exhibitions, performances, concerts) in the treated areas organized by young people involved in the project.

Participation conditions
- each organization will participate with 7 young people (18-25 years old) and one leader. 
- in March or April 2013 will be organized an APV (advanced planning visit) where it will participate two representatives (the leader and one young people) from each partner organisation;
- English is the working language; all participants should be able to express themselves in English;
- each group should be built on gender balance;

Financial conditions
- accommodation, meals, activities and 70% of travel costs are covered by organizers with the financial support of the European Commission through "Youth in action" program;
- participants should be able to cover 30% of travel costs;

- application will be sent to Italian National Agency at 1st October 2012 deadline;
- interested organizations should sent their filled part3 in .doc and scanned format (having signature and stamp) and an estimation of travel costs by e-mail to no later than on September 20th 2012;
- for other details please contact us by email at;

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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