Call for papers: National Symposium in Romania on the topic of 21st century problems

GEYC invites you to submit your paper for a National Symposium in Romania on the topic of 21st century problems such as: drugs, human trafficking, juvenile delinquency and violence in schools.  The deadline is May 28th, 2012.

The aim of this event is to prevent drug abuse, HIV infection, juvenile delinquency and violence in schools - the main issues which young people are confronting nowadays.

Your contribution could be any kind of paper on these topics such as: essays expressing your thoughts, articles about different studies, statistics or other researches, case studies, best practices in the field, projects or initiatives which were done on these topics and their results, laws or regulations which deals with these topics etc  

The submissions should be made by e-mail, in English, in Microsoft Word format no later that May 28th, 2012.

Please check this document for further details.

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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