On November 27th, GEYC organized a workshop at the National College "Vladimir Streinu," bringing together over 35 participants to explore their understanding of sustainability, urban regeneration and how they view their city.
The session began with a discussion related to sustainability and urban regeneration, where, together with the participants, we defined these concepts and associated words that reflected their meanings. They were then invited to reflect on which places in Găești they would like to be and why. Most participants expressed a preference for parks and spaces that have green areas, while avoiding locations they felt that were not beautiful, inclusive or sustainable.
After exploring the places the youth like the most in Găești, we also looked to identify areas in Găești that were in need of regeneration. Divided into teams, participants brainstormed ideas for upgrading the spaces they admired, while also reimagining those they believed lacked sustainability. This collaborative effort allowed the youth to actively engage in viewing a more sustainable, vibrant future for their community. The places they worked on included:
- Three different park areas
- One football field
- The train station
- A children's club
- The National Museum
- The High School
Doing so, the youth got the opportunity to co-create with their colleges different models for spaces in the public area of Găești, considering sustainability, accessibility, aesthetics and inclusivity, in other words: the NEB Concepts. They explored their creativity through non-formal education methods and developed the skills in teamwork, planning, creative thinking and the knowledge in sustainability.
Do you have a vision for your own community and you want to make it more sustaianble, beautiful, inclusive and accesible?
Sign up to the NEBULA Contest with your model and get the chance to win and turn your idea into reality!
Atelierul a avut loc sub umbrela proiectului „New European Bauhaus in Urban and Rural Areas” (NEBULA), care își propune să stimuleze spiritul creativ și antreprenorial al tinerilor pentru a-i transforma în actori NEB. Aceasta are ca scop aplicarea practică a Pactului Verde European, transformând orașele și periferiile rurale în locuri de locuit și de bucurie, inclusiv din punct de vedere cultural și social.
Finanțat de: Erasmus+ KA220 Parteneriate pentru Cooperare
ID proiect: 2022-2-FR02-KA220-YOU-000096306
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