Between the 24th and the 29th of November, the GEYC team facilitated the Project Management for Creators joint staff training, part of The Youth Creative Academy KA2 Partnerships for Creativity, in Cabris, France.
During 4 days, 18 youth workers representing all partners have learnt how to implement more qualitative cultural projects, based on the EQYP Standard (addressing five key areas: nоn-fоrmal learning, prоject management, partnerships, PR & Cоmmunicatiоn and financial planning), and shared best practices. At this stage, we fоcused оn Cultural Prоject Management Quality, reflecting on how to build a cоherent and relevant plan tо achieve the оbjectives which answer specific needs оf cultural activist and artists, by integrating all key elements in a unique structure. A high-qualitative prоject management in yоuth prоjects can be translated intо: achieving the оbjectives and meeting the deadlines, satisfying the needs оf the target grоups, strengthening partnerships and fоstering cоmmunity invоlvement, balance cоsts, cоntinuоus imprоvement and inspiratiоn tо multiply the results and fоllоw-up.
Here are some other issues we've been exploring:
In the second part of the training, we have explored various non-formal education methods to foster creativity, cultural expression, self and others' cultural identity awareness, as well as critical thinking. These methods will be included in a digital tool - CreativityMeter, which will be made available for other organizations as well.
For me, this mobility represented a unique experience which was beneficial both for my development and for developing creativity of the future generations. Considering globalization, digitalization and intercultural environment that it is increasingly present in our lives, cultivating creative skills represents a necessary asset in any field. Thus, due to the testing of many tools, new creative learning methods for youth people will be able to be applied in the future. I am honored to be a part of this project and I sincerely advice anyone to get involved in projects like this. [Cristina Stanca - GEYC Fellow for Human Rights]
Often times, although we are all born creative, we lose the courage to express our ideas and explore the world with all our senses. Moreover, when interacting with different cultural identities, we either hold on too strongly on our views, ignoring the others, or let them go easily, renouncing at parts of ourselves that bring added value to the community. Cultural industries are sometimes considered less profitable and serious. As a youth worker, I do see a need to create contexts which stimulate youth's cretaivity and support young artists' development in terms of entrepreneurship and management. I am hoping that through our project, we will not only impact our target groups, but also raise awarenss on the importance of the topic in nowadays recovery after the Covid-19 pandemics. [Diana I. - Head of Digital at GEYC and National Coordinator of The Youth Creative Academy Project]