In the resolution of 19 September 2019 on the importance of European remembrance for the future of Europe, the European Parliament "calls for a common culture of remembrance that rejects the crimes of fascist, Stalinist, and other totalitarian and authoritarian regimes of the past as a way of fostering resilience against modern threats to democracy, particularly among the younger generation."
Contributing to the culture of remembrance, the "50+30: from WW2 to the end of communism" project aims to increase youth's knowledge on the implications of World War 2 and the period until the fall of communism in Europe on today's democracy, thus seeking to combat the populism and euroscepticism that are present in the european public space in the last years.
Funded through the Europe for Citizens program, the project is implemented by a consortium of 10 organizations from 9 EU countries which, until now, implemented the following activities:
- 10 memorial walks to vivify the remembrance of WW2 and communist history;
- raising mass awareness on key dates of historical events through daily retrospective Instagram posts - @5030remember;
- measuring the knowledge of young people on the implications of WW2 and other key historical events through an online survey;
- identifying the challenges to remembrance and drafting recommendations for stakeholders during an online seminar which took place between 2-11 November 2021 and gathered more than 60 participants from 10 countries.
- Networking
- Totalitarian regimes
- Transition to democracy
- Democracy now. Reflections on the Future of Europe. Euroscepticism and populism
- 16 December 2021, 17-19 CET: Timeline of Human Rights (Source: Compass - Council of Europe);
- 17 December 2021, 14-16 CET: Transition to democracy: what are our collective memories about the totalitarian regimes
- Totalitarian regimes and transition to democracy, 11-13 CET
- Democracy now. Reflections on the Future of Europe. Euroscepticism and populism, 17-19 CET