Impact report Strategic Cooperation Programme #SupportMoldova

From 31st of August 2016 until 31st of December 2018, GEYC has implemented the Strategic Cooperation Programme #SupportMoldova aiming to support the young people and youth organisations from the Republic of Moldova. It is our pleasure to present the impact assessment report.

“#SupportMoldova was launched in a climate based on uncertainty in the Republic Moldova were the societal division between west and east was getting stronger and stronger connected with the presidential elections in 2016. Ambitiously, we aimed to develop the youth sector in Moldova through training, mobility and exchange of good practices” (Gabriel Brezoiu, General Manager GEYC)

„#SupportMoldova a fost lansat într-un climat de incertitudine în Republica Moldova în care diviziunea societății între est și vest era tot mai pronunțată în contextul alegerilor prezidențiale din 2016. Ne-am propus misiunea ambițioasă de a dezvolta sectorul de tineret moldovean prin activități de formare, mobilitate și schimb de experiență.” (Gabriel Brezoiu, Manager General GEYC)

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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