GEYC team wrapped-up yesterday, 22nd of March, the "Enhance Your Capacity Academy" digital programme, which aimed to provide middle-level staff from NGOs and civil society actors from EuroMed region with a hands-on experience on Project Management, as well as a theoretical framework to customize their own needs through coaching and networking opportunities, and to expand partnerships and exchange of good practices. 30+ participants explored 9 topics: Organizational networking, Project planning and management (PMBOK approach), Staff management, Impact assessment, Budgeting, Fundraising, Risk management, Sustainability & follow-up and Coaching.
We held two rounds of 18hrs of training each, in February and March, within ALF Hands-On framework, a dynamic Capacity Enhancement Programme by the Anna Lindh Foundation, designed to empower Civil Society Organisations in the field of Intercultural Dialogue.
Mixing asynchronous tasks and individual reflection on theoretical inputs with interactive live sessions, e-learning has proved to be an effective method to reach wider and more diverse profiles, transcending geographical barriers. Moreover, non-formal education methodology used during the training, supported participants to connect to each other, share ideas and best practices, collaborate and experimentin an engaging way theoretical tools they might use in their work. We were grateful and inspired to deliver our online enhancing capacities module, tailored to 30+ Intercultural Dialogue/civil society practitioners and equip them with the skills they need to drive positive change in the Euro-Mediterranean region. This was more than just a training programme, it became a platform for peer-to-peer collaboration, real-world application, and community building.
Previously, GEYC, in partnership with Association la Voix de l'Enfant Rural -AVER / صوت الطفل الريفي and ANKA Youth Association, organized #GenderIDTalks, a series of 4 online panels, in the frame of the Anna Lindh Foundation Virtual Marathon for Dialogue in EuroMed. GEYC is also a member of ALF Romania network.
The Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures, ALF, created in 2005 and based in Alexandria is an international intergovernmental organisation and its aim, according to its statutes, is to promote the dialogue between cultures and to contribute to the visibility of the Barcelona Process through intellectual, cultural and civil society exchanges. To fulfil its objective, the Foundation mainstreams youth, gender equality and networking with a clear determination to lead regional and local intercultural dialogue initiatives that are useful for EuroMed societies and institutions with a very pragmatic approach. Its action grounds on the two main bodies of the Foundation: The Civil Society National Networks with more than 4.500 members and the 41 Members States of its Board of Governors.
ALF Hands On programme is developed in the framework of the Action Grant NDICI-GEO-NEAR/2022/434-371 in accordance with the Anna Lindh Foundation Multiannual Work Programme 2022-2025.