28 July 2023

We've got the first Workshop Results - EFIVOS in Europe - CERV-2022-CITIZENS-CIV

GEYC, in partnership with "Queen Mary" Highschool from Dorohoi, has organised a 2 days workshop on the subject of  European institutions and the process of decision making.

The workshop took place on 17 and 18 of July and it introduced 29 active young participants to subjects such as: the main EU decision-making institutions, the difference between the European Council, the Council of the European Union and the Council of Europe, the ordinary legislative procedure, the EU complementary institutions and their competences, the areas of EU action and the 3 principles that determine how and in what areas the EU may act (conferral, proportionality and subsidiarity), priority areas of the EU in educational policies and opportunities that the European Union provides for youth, such as the ERASMUS+ program.

Besides passing on knowledge, the workshop also aimed to develop the students practical skills , as well as their critical thinking so they had to answer 3 questions (What is the Agenda 2030 for sustainable development? What could increase your interest in participating in local initiatives? What reforms would you propose in your city?) and then based on the answers highlighted in this exercise, they had to pick a single area that they considered important and create an action plan that could be implemented either by the EU or the national/local authorities.  Therefore, the participants had to: explain some of the problems they identified based on the chosen topic, discuss local actions in this field, propose a positive change and explain how youth can contribute (and benefit) towards this change.

In the end, there  were 4 different areas approached in the agenda of their action plans, with many good points such as:

  •  The plan on Gender Equality - stated that just as in the work environment, there is gender discrimination in the school environment, especially in the rural area and that traditional gender roles and prejudices against girls and women can be tackled only through education by having a clear gender component taught in schools, to students, as well as to teachers.
  • The plan on Climate Change - stated that people were not educated enough on ecofriendly practices and actions that they could take and that they also needed incentives to form the good habits necessary for stopping climate change. 
  • The plan on Quality Education - stated that young people from the rural area have a hard time getting to and from school in the city and that it was necessary to create dorms for students, either inside each high school or general ones in one part of the city were students from all high schools could stay at, as well as ensuring free public transport for students and teachers coming from outside the city
  • The plan on Sustainable Cities and Communities - stated that in Dorohoi city, public transportations was inefficient and that it should ne improved, old buildings that have an increased risk of falling down during an earthquake should be demolished or renovated, there needs to be more green spaces and bicycles lanes, as well as an active and systemic effort of the local authorities to encourage and support community volunteering and the involvement of normal citizens in public actions.
All these ideas show the interest that the students have for making their city better and through the EFIVOS project, we plan to preserve this determination and help them pass on their ideas so they can have the impact that they wish to.

The EFIVOS project will continue building youth's knowledge and awareness on institutions, policies and democratic procedures, as well as empowering them to get involved and make their voices heard in order to enhance the democratic participation of young people in their local communities.




[4] - Group of the European Youth for Change - GEYC

PIC number:


Project name and acronym:

Youth Involvement in the European Democratic Debate through Journalism— EFIVOS in Europe


Event number:


Event name:

Work package WP2



In situ/online:

In situ


Romania, Dorohoi


17/07/2023, 18/07/2023








From country 1 ROMANIA:


Total number of participants:


From total number of countries:



There were 2 workshops held in "Queen Mary" Highschool from Dorohoi city, facilitated by 2 experts. During the workshops, the students have learnt about EU institutions and the decision-making process, the areas of EU action and the 3 principles that determine how and in what areas the EU may act (conferral, proportionality and subsidiarity), priority areas of the EU in educational policies (Initiatives for better quality and more equity, initiatives for teachers, trainers and school directors, digital education, ecological education) and the main study opportunities in Europe and youth exchange programs that the students can access such as Erasmus+ projects either through their school or NGOs, the European Solidarity Corps and DiscoverEU.

In the last part of the workshop, the students assumed a more practical role by firstly answering into teams to 3 questions (What is the Agenda 2030 for sustainable development? What could increase your interest in participating in local initiatives? What reforms would you propose in your city?) and then based on the answers highlighted in this exercise, they had to pick a single area that they considered important and create an action plan that could be implemented either by the EU or the national/local authorities.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

CERV-2022-CITIZENS-CIV - 101081482