#TheYouthCreativeAcademy: The Universal Day of the Romanian Blouse

The Universal Day of the Romanian Blouse is a celebration of the traditional Romanian blouse (ia) uniting around the globe all those who cherish Romania and its folk costume, which takes place on June 24th. 

This year, the theme is Appreciation and Recognition, raising awareness on the authentic object and knowing our own origins - where do I come from, what culture do I belong to, what have I received and what do I have to pass on - in other words, self-education and reconnecting with the past.

Coordinated by the online community La Blouse Roumaine, the day, first marked in 2013, has become a truly global event celebrated on six continents, in over 60 countries, 130 cities, and through over 200 events. La Blouse Roumaine aims to focus on supporting industries in the creative field and on encouraging communities to recover their identity. The Universal Day of the Romanian Blouse has rekindled the interest and appreciation for the authentic Romanian folk art and creations, and for those who make them, and after more than 30 years since the fall of the communist regime, this movement has contributed decisively to the rebirth and a renewed interest in traditional Romanian culture, becoming even an important item of cultural diplomacy. 

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