DIVERSE - Promotion of democratic values and diversity in schools through Creative Drama and Fairy Tales Project (2019-2021) is a KA3 project, organized in the framework of Erasmus+ Program, by a consortium coordinated by Action Synergy, with partners from six countries - Greece, Bulgaria, Italy, Spain, Hungary, and Romania. It aimed to improve the management of diversity in the classroom, to explore three methods - creative drama, activities based on folks & fairytales, and digital storytelling, to promote the emotional aspects of learning, non-verbal communication, and learning, as well as the positive interaction between children from refugee/ migrant or minority (RMM) background and their colleagues and to increase the social inclusion of children with RMM backgrounds in their classrooms and in society.
This report describes the logic of the educational program and shows the key findings of our quality control process. It provides an overview of the impact on the students and teachers who were part of the DIVERSE Project in Romania, creating a framework for follow-up initiatives. It is based on the data collected through preliminary research, focus groups, and event reporting.
Acest raport descrie logica programului educațional și arată rezultatele cheie ale procesului nostru de control al calității. Acesta oferă o imagine de ansamblu a impactului asupra studenților și profesorilor care au făcut parte din Proiectul DIVERSE în România, creând un cadru pentru inițiative viitoare. Se bazează pe datele colectate prin cercetări preliminare, focus grupuri și raportări de evenimente.
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the National Agency and Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.