Publication | Development Effectiveness principles / ODA transparency and accountability

This Toolkit was developed as part of the „Regional Workshop on Developing the Capacity of the CSOs from the Black Sea Region in Implementing the Development Effectiveness Principles/ODA Transparency and Effectiveness’’ by GEYC – Group of the European youth for Change, at the request of the Romanian NGDO Platform – FOND, and is funded within the CPDE-SIDA Programme „Promoting the Universal Application of EDC for The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)’’.

The workshop has been delivered between May – June 2021 and comprised five modules of learning (online training and coaching/mentoring) with a focus on innovative approaches in Development assistance; Mapping of Development assistance practices; Introduction of the Development Effectiveness Principles; Impact & Accountability Automation; Digital Transformation; Building Equitable and Sustainable partnerships.

June 2021 | See more

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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