“eSkills for Volunteers” - Strategic Partnership in the field of Youth (KA2)

eSkills for Volunteers” is a Strategic Partnership in the field of Youth, supported by Erasmus plus Programme. The project consortium is led by Asociación Projuven and the other partners organisations are: Associazione di Promozione Sociale Futuro Digitale – Italy, Associação Intercultural Amigos da Mobilidade – Portugal and Asociatia GEYC – Romania.

Project duration: November 2016 - June 2018

The context
Equipping citizen from all background with relevant digital skills is a responsibility shared between governments, industry, academia, and individuals. Youngsters, often called digital natives are most concerned. They are regular users of technology, but research shows that they often not have the relevant skills to be savvy or competent users. Furthermore as youth unemployment is a major issue all other Europe, mastering these skills is becoming critical to fill the huge gap created by the digital revolution.

Specific objectives
-To empower youth workers and volunteers to fully exploit all the potentials of digital education and digital skills. 
- To give the possibility to NGOs to count on volunteers/young ICT experts. 
- To establish an innovative way of learning by using Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) methodologies and virtual collaboration; 
-To compose a set of learning materials as open educational resources (OER); 
-To strengthen formal and non-formal learning for young people across Europe; 
- To foster inclusive education.

- An extensive research based on real needs of organisation and volunteers involved in digital education
Thanks to your support we can know the needs of volunteers and analyze the current situation and needs at national and EU level. It will be important to know your point of view in order to enhance association work, share knowledge and skills, provide new tools to improve resources for you. With your ideas, we can foster digital education, social inclusion, employability and empowerment of youth.
This survey will not require names or personal identity and the participation in the study is completely anonymous and voluntary. Any information from you will remain confidential. You will not be identified as a study participant in any reports or publications of this study. All the results resource will be collected and analyzed very carefully and the information will be used for building e-learning courses for the project. 
- A training activity for youth workers / volunteers;
- An Open Online Course with video material available to those wishing to develop and improve their skills and practices in managing volunteers in the non-formal digital education space;
- A European report available to all stakeholders and interested parties to give a clear overview on the current challenges and opportunities as well as demonstrating project results, study case and best practices in the field.

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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