Tineri câmpineni au participat la cursul internațional online CREAction4EU Ambassadors / Young people from Câmpina participated in the CREAction4EU Ambassadors online course

English version below

In perioada 10 aprilie – 5 iunie 2022, 30 de tineri câmpineni cu vârste intre 16 si 30 de ani au participat la programul internațional CREAction4EU Ambassadors. GEYC a semnat cu primăria Municipiului Câmpina un protocol de colaborare pe 4 ani (mai multe informații despre protocol AICI).

Tineri câmpineni cu idei de afaceri într-un domeniu creativ au participat la acest curs digital inovator de 8 săptămâni. CREAction4EU Ambassadors a combinat pentru ei sarcinile asincrone, individuale și în grup, cu întâlniri virtuale și networking pentru a construi abilități pentru viitorii #creative #entrepreneurs. Sesiunile acestui program s-au desfășurat exclusiv în limba engleză. Participantii au avut posibilitatea să facă networking cu tineri din 11 tari: Italia, Irlanda, Slovacia, Spania, Marea Britanie, Moldova, Franta, Austria, Brazilia, Ungaria si Armenia. Cu acces la resurse multimedia si feedback din partea trainerilor în mod constant, participantii la curs și-au dezvoltat competențele în domeniul antreprenoriatului creativ abordând teme precum: design thinking, instrumente multimedia noi și Business Canvas Model.

Cursul este creat în cadrul proiectului CREAction4EU, finanțat de Comisia Europeană prin programul Erasmus+ și implementat de GEYC în colaborare cu Asociația Resopa (Franța), InSite Drama (Ungaria) și JO Education - Innovation Hub Catania – IHCT (Italia).

I’m grateful that I was part of this project. For me, these 8 weeks have been part of my personal and professional development. I said personal, because I had the chance to know other people from other cultures, and because I was in a team,I met some great people who gave me good memories and I’m very happy that I worked with them, and professional development because my skills were improved and now I have a base, which definitely is more than useful. As I said,I’m glad that I had this wonderful experience and thank you again for helping me improve my abilities.

Between April 10 and June 5, 2022, 30 young people from Campina aged between 16 and 30 participated in the international program CREAction4EU Ambassadors. GEYC signed a 4-year collaboration protocol with Câmpina City Hall (more information about the protocol HERE).

Young people from Campania with business ideas in a creative field participated in this innovative 8-week digital course. CREAction4EU Ambassadors has combined asynchronous, individual and group tasks with virtual meetings and networking to build skills for future #creative #entrepreneurs. The sessions of this program were conducted exclusively in English. The participants had the opportunity to network with young people from 11 countries: Italy, Ireland, Slovakia, Spain, Great Britain, Moldova, France, Austria, Brazil, Hungary and Armenia. With access to multimedia resources and constant feedback from trainers, the course participants developed their skills in the field of creative entrepreneurship addressing topics such as: design thinking, new multimedia tools and Business Canvas Model.

The course is part of the CREAction4EU project, funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus + program and implemented by GEYC in collaboration with Resopa Association (France), InSite Drama (Hungary) and JO Education - Innovation Hub Catania - IHCT (Italy).

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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