29 December 2010

Financial and banking services for the civil society - Final report launch

The Group of the European Youth for Change - GEYC organized the international research project "Financial and banking services for the civil society" during the period October 2010 - January 2011. The  full final reports are now available for those interested in Romanian, English and French.

EN: If you want to receive the full final reports available for free in Romanian, English and French, please contact us and tell us the reason you need them.
RO: Dacă doriți să primiți raportul final complet dispobibil gratuit în engleză, franceză și română, vă rugăm să ne contactați precizând motivul pentru care aveți nevoie de acesta.
FR: Si vous souhaitez recevoir les rapports final complet disponible gratuitement en roumain, anglais et en français, s'il vous plaît contactez-nous et nous dire pourquoi vous en avez besoin.

  • The aim of this research: to identify the needs of the individuals and the organizations in the financial-banking field;
  • It was intended to investigate the public’s perception regarding a series of initiatives which could improve somehow these services;
  • This research has no claims of representativeness, but moreover an explorative character;
  • The presented conclusions from this report represent the author opinions, exclusively;
  • The reproduction of these materials is allowed only with the writing of the source and by sending a duplicate document on the GEYC e-mail;
Remarks and conclusions
  • Financial-banking sector improvement initiatives common for the both categories (free financial advising and implementing a financial education media campaign) were proven to be very relevant in both cases. However, individuals – directly targeted by the media campaign appreciated more this initiative while the organizations considered the free financial advising as being a truly support;
  • Considering the provenience of the respondents, the analysis from this document are relevant for Romania only, the remarks towards the other countries have just an informative purpose;
  • The strong support of this initiatives emphasize the opportunity of being implemented in the Romanian financial-banking field.
EN: If you want to receive the full final reports available for free in Romanian, English and French, please contact us and tell us the reason you need them.
RO: Dacă doriți să primiți raportul final complet dispobibil gratuit în engleză, franceză și română, vă rugăm să ne contactați precizând motivul pentru care aveți nevoie de acesta.
FR: Si vous souhaitez recevoir les rapports final complet disponible gratuitement en roumain, anglais et en français, s'il vous plaît contactez-nous et nous dire pourquoi vous en avez besoin.