Showing posts with label youth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label youth. Show all posts

Winners Wanted ! European Charlemagne Youth Prize Competition 2019 - call for projects

Since 2008, the European Parliament together with the ‘Foundation of the International Charlemagne Prize of Aachen’ have each year been inviting young people from all EU Member States to submit projects run by and for youth showing an active participation in the development of Europe.

Connecting the dots: Young People, Social Inclusion and Digitalisation

This week, our colleague Gabriel Brezoiu - General Manager of GEYC takes part to the "Connecting the dots: Young People, Social Inclusion and Digitalisation" Symposium in Tallinn, Estonia focusing on exploring the crossing between social inclusion of young people and digitalisation, reflecting especially on how digitalisation affects young people’s lives, and what the role of youth policy, youth work and youth research can be in this respect.

5 things to do before you turn 25 (YE, Design your job, Malaga, Spain)

Because the best way to define yourself as a person is through the experiences you live and the people you meet, #GEYCleții do not like to waste time so left in a new adventure that has enriched them both personally and professionally. 

EVS, Nicosia, Cyprus

Nicosia, the largest city on the island of Cyprus, has hosted, starting with the beginning of November 2017 and ending with the last days of April 2018, an EVS focused on Youth Activities. 

TC - "PRIDE - Promoting Diversity and Inclusive Youth Work Practices", Armenia

When you think about Armenia, it seems like nothing crosses your mind - or at least, that's how I was before PRIDE - Promoting Diversity and Inclusive Youth Work Practices, 25th of February - 4th of March. Now, when I think about Armenia, I think about Aghveran, about that resort we stayed in, where we spent a few days with people from 10 different countries, from whom I learned so many, in so little time. 

Get involved in Youth Activists' Lab (Erasmus+)

"Youth Activists' Lab" is an Erasmus+ youth exchange gathering 36 young people and youth workers from 6 countries (France, Lebanon, Morocco, Romania, Spain and Tunisia) aiming to highlight thе powеr of activism and voluntееring for youth by еxploring ways to еngagе young pеoplе's pееrs in fighting hatе spееch and all forms of еxtrеmism. It took place in Marrakech, Morocco, from 21st to 29th of March 2018. Now, let us share with you our results!

We are hosting an international delegation in the frame of "The Women Get Back" project

Between 7th and 16th of March, GEYC is hosting in Bucharest a job shadowing in the frame of "The Women Get Back" project (Capacity building, Erasmus+) involving 3 representatives of nongovernmental organisations from Brazil, France (special guest) and Peru.

România se alătură inițiativei ”Young Digital Leaders” / Romania is now joining Young Digital Leaders

RO: Google și ISD sunt de părere că tinerii trebuie să joace un rol activ în a crea o comunitate online amuzantă, pozitivă și energică. Ne dorim să dezvoltăm competențele necesare pentru ca tinerii să facă cele mai bune decizii în mediul online. Ne referim astfel la a-i învăța cum să devină lideri digitali, nu doar niște simpli cetățeni -- să știe cum să răspundă troll-ilor din mediul online și când și unde să solicite ajutor.

EN: Google and ISD believe that young people should learn to be upstanders, not bystanders in order to create a fun, positive and vibrant community online. We want to equip young people with the necessary skills so that they can be empowered to make the right choices online. This means learning how to be a digital leader, not just citizen -- to know how to respond to trolls online, and when and where to go for help. 

We are starting the Eastern Partnership Capacity building project (KA2) - International Youth Studies: Curricula, Distance learning course and open educational materials (InYouS)

InYouS project is developed by Federation of Youth Clubs (Armenia) and its partners from Georgia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Turkey, Belgium, Czech Republic, Poland, Portugal, Sweden and  Romania. The project will ameliorate the recognition of youth work and non-formal education through development of certified “International youth studies” curricula (and organizing a distance-learning course for youth workers) and open educational materials for European Higher Education Institutions.

“#PlayEurope ‐ EduGames for Active Citizenship” – Strategic Partnership in the field of Youth (KA2)

“#PlayEurope EduGames for Active Citizenship” is a Strategic Partnership in the field of Youth, supported by Erasmus+ Programme. The project consortium is led by Viteco – Italy, and the other partners organisations are

HTML Basics & Social Media - a great chance to get familiar with coding

On 12th October we have organized "HTML Basics & Social Media" workshop for the young people in Bucharest that were interested to get a first contact with HTML coding and website development.

GEYC (Romania) & AVER (Tunisia) take part together in Anna Lindh Foundation's Euromed Exchange Programme

EN: GEYC (Romania) & AVER (Tunisia) decided to join the Euromed Exchange Programme organized by the Anna Lindh Foundation and thus to exchange experiences in the youth and cultural fields as well as to reinforce the cooperation regarding future projects.

FR: GEYC (Roumanie) et AVER (Tunisie) ont décidé de se joindre au programme d'échange Euromed organisé par la Fondation Anna Lindh et ainsi d'échanger des expériences dans les domaines de la jeunesse et de la culture, ainsi que de renforcer la coopération en ce qui concerne les projets futurs.

RO: GEYC (România) și AVER (Tunisia) au decis să se alăture programului de schimb Euromed organizat de Fundația Anna Lindh și astfel să facă schimb de experiență în domeniul tineretului și al culturii, precum și să consolideze cooperarea în ceea ce privește viitoarele proiecte.

KA2 Project “eSkills for Volunteers” officially starts

On November 14th 2016, the kick-off meeting for the KA2 Project “eSkills for Volunteers” took place in Malaga (Spain). The partner’s project are Asociación Projuven (the coordinator) from Spain, Futuro Digitale from Italy, GEYC from Romania and Mobility Friends from Portugal.

“eSkills for Volunteers” - Strategic Partnership in the field of Youth (KA2)

eSkills for Volunteers” is a Strategic Partnership in the field of Youth, supported by Erasmus plus Programme. The project consortium is led by Asociación Projuven and the other partners organisations are: Associazione di Promozione Sociale Futuro Digitale – Italy, Associação Intercultural Amigos da Mobilidade – Portugal and Asociatia GEYC – Romania.

Gabriel Brezoiu: "Digital youth participation matters"

This week, our colleague Gabriel BREZOIU, General Manager of GEYC and PRISMA European Network is participating to Culture 4D Conference organized by the Tallinn University in the frame of the Estonian Chairmanship of the Council of Europe.

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GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

Organisation in Special consultative status with the United Nations - Economic and Social Council since 2023.

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