30 December 2017

TC - "Your Body is a Voice II", Ganties, France

Have many of you have heard about the power of body language? This year, in May, in a beautiful part of France, called Ganties, took part the training course “Your Body is a Voice II”. The training course was addressed to youthworkers who were interested in participating in body language workshops. The aims of this training course were to promote the culture and living diversity as well as to encourage the youth expression, creativity and communication through dance, theatre and singing. 

29 December 2017

Study - Usage of digital tools by youth NGOs promoting peace and Human Rights

Within our KA2 Strategic Partnership, TURN ONline, a project whose aim is to sustain digitalization within youth organizations promoting peace and human rights, GEYC has started in December 2017 a research on the usage of digital tools by youth NGOs promoting peace and human rights.

28 December 2017

TURN ONline - KA2 Strategic Partnership on Digitalization of Youth NGOs promoting peace and human rights

TURN ONline is a 20 months KA2 strategic partnership project, organized in the frame of Erasmus+, together with NGOs from Spain, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Greece and Hungary. that aims to bring digitalization closer to youth organizations promoting peace and human rights.

27 December 2017

Let's start our first Latin American cooperation project: The Women Get Back (WGB) - KA2

The Women Get Back (WGB) is a Capacity Building project within the framework of the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Programme with 5 project partners from Europe (Bulgaria, Italy, Portugal, Romania and Spain) and 5 project partners from Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Peru and Nicaragua).

26 December 2017

YE- "Diversity hurts?", Marrakesh, Morocco

This project give us the opportunity to have a great experience in a youth exchange which is held in Marrakesh, Morocco with 35 participants from 7 countries: Greece, Romania, Spain, Morocco, Poland, Tunisia and Sweden. 

25 December 2017

De ce iubesc spaniolii Crăciunul?

Crăciunul este o sărbătoare magică pretutindeni, însă Spania are “gustul” ei aparte de Crăciun. Prin excelentă țara sărbătorilor, España reușește să îi încânte pe toți iubitorii de tradiții și obiceiuri de Crăciun.

18 December 2017

Crăciunul pe meleaguri însorite, Cipru

În ciuda faptului că ortodoxia a devenit bizantina, ortodocșii celebrează sărbatorile religioase în mai multe feluri. Am colectat toate acest obiceiuri în acest articol, pentru a vă pregăti într-adevăr pentru un Crăciun tradițional în Cipru.

TC-"Entrepreneurship Education for Cultural Tourism" Terranova, Italia

În perioada 29 noiembrie - 7 decembrie am fost unul dintre cei patru GEYC-uleți care a luat parte la un training course – Entrepreneurship Education for Cultural Tourism. Acesta a avut loc în localitatea Terranova da Sibari, Italia. Pot spune că sunt tare norocoasă să vorbesc acum la timpul trecut și să spun că am fost acolo, căci am aflat că am zbor cu o oră și jumătate înainte de îmbarcare. Nu, nu e o greșeală. Compania aeriană m-a anunțat cu o oră și jumătate înainte de îmbarcare că mi-a modificat biletul de avion.

16 December 2017

TC-"E+Quality Week" in Bari, Italy

Imagine one week in a small region from Southern Italy, together with amazing people from seven different countries, working for the same purpose. I haven’t imagined this, until I participated in the E+Quality Week in Bari, Italy, a training course about improving project management competences among youth workers. Looking back at my experience, I have a lot of mixed feelings.

12 December 2017

GEYC received the IER Award for Excellence in promoting European values

Bucharest, 13th of December 2017 - In the context of the preparation of the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the European Institute of Romania (IER) awarded GEYC with the Excellence Prize for promoting European spirit and values.